15. I'M NOT A SLUT I SWEAR : Invitation To My Own Doom

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a photo of Harley bc I'm obsessed puddins 🍭😈


Grinning, he grabs my hand and slowly he turns backing up to the exit. Rolling my eyes I pull my hand from his and turn towards the door. Laughing, he follows me, and I glance back at him a frown on my lips.

Did I know what the hell I was doing? Definitely not.

He brushes past me once we reach the hall and now I'm following him, my eyes on his back. As if sensing my gaze he glances back at me, curiosity on his face before that usual cockiness replaces it.

"Like what you see, huh?" Rolling my eyes I don't say a word, and he rolls his eyes back at me. He reaches for me, grabbing my hand.

"Come on. I saw the room somewhere down stairs. There was this really pretty artwork that I think you'd like." I narrow my eyes at the back of his head as he pulls me towards the stair case.

"I thought you said it was on this floor." He doesn't respond, and for some reason I let him pull me down the steps. Somehow this felt familiar. Strange. He leads me without another word to a huge room, with a red cone in front of it, which Zach happily ignores, pulling me around it. He slows down as we enter the room, and I pull my hand from his. My eyes catch on the photos around me. I want to correct him and say that this isn't art, it's photography, but it is art.

I start to drift towards one photo. It was a girl, floating in the water, her hair floating around her in a blur of gold. She had this peaceful look on her face that I almost...envied. I wish I could be that happy.

"You're so strange." Zach says, moving to stand beside me. His eyes also on the picture.

"Hm." Is all I say. I don't bother to argue with him. There was no point. I lean further into the picture, narrowing my eyes on the girl. She looked familiar and I still wasn't sure why. Why did she look so...

"You don't remember do you?" Zach asks suddenly beside me, making me jump. I turn towards him, raising my eyebrows.

"Enlighten me."

"That we used to be friends." I blink, and nod.

"Yeah, back in like 5th grade. That's a long time ago, Zach. Why are you asking me about that?" I ask and he blinks down at my face.

"You really don't remember?" He asks, and I frown. I thought I had remembered what I was supposed to. He smiles at me for a moment and my eyes widen at the change in personalities. Douche to person. Weird. "Huh. Good then. I guess it doesn't matter anyway." I narrow my eyes at him, and grab his wrist, he flinches at the touch and slowly I lift his wrist so it's directly in front of me. I grip the end of his sweater and ever so slightly pull up his sweater, revealing the bruise marking his skin.

"She's still doing that, huh?" I ask, my eyes on his wrist. "I'm sorry." I lift my eyes to meet his only to find them widened back on my own.

"Why would I forget about that?" He shrugs, and a small smile forms on his lips.

"Is it wrong if I say that I'm happy you remembered?" I blink, and shake my head thrown off by this whole other side to him I'd never seen before. Not recently anyway.

"No." I drag my eyes back down to his wrists. "What about your father? Why don't you move in with him?" He chuckles darkly, and without humor.

"You said the same thing a long time ago, and the answer is still the same. I can't leave. I'm stuck here with my mother. I'm going to to go crazy being stuck in that house with a woman who doesn't take her medication and I don't-" he cuts himself off and slowly his eyes travel down to my lips. I hold in a surprised breath and instead my heart beat picks up. "...I don't know how to make her take it." He takes a step towards me and I move back. I swear I do, yet somehow he rests his hand on my shoulder in a second.

As he leans down towards me I swallow. I was a little confused. Zach hated me. I knew he did, so why did this kiss feel like more than it was supposed to be. If I kissed him right now, what would change?

His face becomes closer and closer, until his lips hover just in front of my own. I agreed to this. I agreed to do this. But I didn't want to. At the last second I lean back.

"What are you doing?" He blinks down at me, letting his hand drop from my shoulder. "Why would I let you kiss me? You may be a different person than who you pretend to be but-but that person is still and asshole and I still don't like him."

"You don't like this me?" He asks, and then lowers his voice. "That's a first."

"Why?" I ask and probably for the first time in his life his cheeks redden.

"Because most people prefer cocky to sensitive."

"Not me."

"What about James?"

"Ok, first of all. Can I just say, James is freaking psychotic and he wasn't cocky he was just..." I trail off. Thinking about it. Had he been cocky? As if following my thoughts he nods.

"You're finally getting, right? James isn't worth it and he wasn't worth it back then."

I bristle.

"If you knew that why didn't you say anything? You'd saved me of all of this!"

"I tried! You're stubborn, and you don't listen to anyone!"

"When the hell did you try? Ever!" He takes a step towards me and leans down, making me lift my chin, clenching my jaw.

"Two years ago! At that party when he was all up on that girl that wasn't you! Just admit that you've always had an unrequited love with him! He never gave two shits about you!"

"And you did!" I shout, my hands clenched into fists now. "Don't talk to me like you know anything!" 

"I know that he never cared about you! I did!" I scoff, shaking my head.

"No you really didn't, Zach! You were running around with a million girls as if you were asking for an STD, but you've never cared about me since 5th grade!" I pause, exhaling through my teeth. "Don't lie to me." I take a step away from him and start to turn, but a low whisper stops me.

"I care about you now." I turn towards him.

"You know that's a little hard to believe, right?"  I ask and he sighs, crossing his arms.

"Well, you've never made anything easy for me. I at least remember that much."

"You know what I remember? That time I hit you on the shoulder and made you cry like a little baby." A grin forms on my mouth as the words leave my mouth and he rolls his eyes at me, a grin on his own mouth.

Zach is...interesting huh 👽😱🍭

who's your favorite character so far? I feel like I've asked that before but maybe not lmao 🎂



haha I kid I kid


it's means A LOTTTT 🌙🌙🌙

xx senpai 🌙🍭

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