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It's been two days since then. I'm still not sure what I should have done...What was I supposed to say in that situation? I mean...I've never been confessed to like that. Not from a guy either. After I'd stopped hugging him, Kizumi apologized and at some point I eventually left...but I still felt so bad for leaving without saying much to him. I sighed as I laid my head on my arm.

School's continued just like normal, and I was waiting at the breakfast table like usual for my friends. I wondered if he would be here today. I certainly wouldn't blame him if he didn't show up...it was probably a lot for him to confess his feelings like that. It seems like he'd been holding it back for a long time, and finally just cracked.

I wish he hadn't pent it all up like that...If he would have just told me, I could have done something. Then again...what would I have been able to do? Just avoid him completely? Pretend he never existed? Would I have been able to, though? For some reason, since the day I became partners with him, I'd always felt like there had to be something else to Kizumi. Honestly, I probably wouldn't have stopped talking to him, knowing myself...

Things turned out to be much more interesting than I thought they would, though. I wondered and wondered and finally convinced myself that Kizumi wasn't just a jerk all the time, and look what happened. He actually confessed to me. I had to admit that though I was shocked...I was a bit...happy. I felt my cheeks begin to get warm at the thought. Oh god...

I put my face in my hands as my cheeks stained pink. What was I even supposed to do now? Things were definitely going to be awkward between us...maybe something won't even exist anymore. Especially because we kissed. My face immediately flared when I thought back on it. I couldn't believe that happened.

What was even worse was that I enjoyed it at first. Was that because it's a human thing to enjoy kissing? ...or was it because it was Kizumi? I remember that when he did that, my initial thought was that he couldn't possibly hate me. It was so nice to know that. I was so...so relieved. Was that part of the reason I didn't mind that kiss for a moment? I sifted through the possibilities in my mind, but there were so many and none of them seemed right.

"Shirou?" Someone tapped on my shoulder. I jumped and turned to see a couple of my friends standing there. They laughed at my reaction.

"Oh, hey guys." I replied and smiled at them after taking a second to recover. They sat down at the table with me and then one of them said,

"You alright? You look a little flushed." Of course they would notice me blushing. I nodded, trying to convince myself that they would never know why I was blushing in the first place.

"Yeah...I just don't feel good I guess." I lied to them. I really didn't need to explain that gigantic mess...it was kind of weird anyway.

"You guess?" One of them laughed. "If you don't feel good you should probably should've stayed home or go to the nurse or something."

"I'm alright." I laughed. Besides...I wanted to see if Kizumi was at school.

"Okay then. Whatever you say." They replied, obviously doubting my response. For a couple minutes, we were just sitting and talking about what we did over the weekend, but then one of my friends said something that caught my attention.

"I'm glad that unit in English is finally over." He said. I was taken aback for moment, then almost worriedly I said,

"What? Wait...does that mean we won't be working with partners anymore?" My friends looked at me, and he nodded.

"Yeah. You should feel lucky, dude. You won't have to work with Kizumi anymore." His tone sounded genuinely happy for me, but my heart sank at his words, and I blurted,

"You guys should stop badmouthing Kizumi." As the words poured out of my mouth with a scolding sound, each of them froze for a second and looked at me.

"...what?" One of them finally said. I looked down as I spoke, trying to refrain from saying anything that sounded rude. I didn't want to sound all defensive and childish, but they didn't know how things really were.

"I'm...I'm just saying that you guys shouldn't say things about him. It's rude and...well..." I trailed off, not sure how to word what I wanted to say. They waited for an answer, and I tried piecing something together.

"well...what?" a couple of them said.

"Kizumi...isn't a bad person." I said to them. Each of them gave me a look of disbelief, and then glanced between each other.

"What are you talking about?" One said. "Since when did you suddenly change your mind?"

You guys have no idea what's been happening... I thought as the bell rang for our first class.

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