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"I see..." One of the girls said before taking a drink of her water.

"So...Kizumi started being nicer then?" Another asked.

"Well, I wouldn't say nicer." I thought for a moment. "It's just that...well, I guess he wasn't as horrible as I thought he would be."

We were all sitting in the grass on the school grounds eating our food. Somehow we got back on the subject of Kizumi at lunchtime as well. I tried to tell them I 'didn't know how to explain it', but in truth, I just really didn't want to accidentally blurt something about his confession...or that kiss. I nearly shuddered at the thought of trying to explain to them how we ended up kissing. It'd be an entirely new mess I'd by trying to clean up for as long as I hung around them.

All of my friends were pretty great people, and I thought they were all really outgoing and everything, but they were also very excitable. If I were to even simply mention something about how I went to his house to give him homework, they would interrogate me for a week. Sometimes their excitability wasn't so bad though. It kept things from getting too quiet, which was fun.

"What do you mean he wasn't as horrible though?" One of them piped up again.

"Oh I don't know. I guess he-" I was cut off as one of them suddenly remembered something.

"Didn't he almost beat you up once, though?"

"Yeah, in English! I remember that. How can you say he's 'not that bad' when he did that?"

"That, and how about all of the people he's hurt before?"

Their comments never ended and I just laughed letting them blurt things over each other, waiting for them to finish. Though I was about to disagree, I couldn't argue that what they were saying was all true. Kizumi had hurt a lot of other students and been suspended quite a bit, plus he was probably on every single teacher's bad side.

He just had a bad attitude and threatened other students a lot in class...but besides that, his work ethic was outstanding, and he was very smart. Teachers appreciated that at least, I was sure. I know I certainly did when it came to working on that project with him...even though he ended up not coming to school to present all of the hard work we put into it.

"Well, you guys. I don't know...it's hard to understand I guess. I know Kizumi's done a lot of bad stuff, but the more I worked with him, the more I realized that he wasn't just full of bad qualities. He's smart, for one, and he's a good student for another. He gets all of his work done and has straight A's you know." I mentioned. They all raised their eyebrows.

"Huh...I would have thought him to be the type that didn't give a crap about school." One of them said.

"I thought so at first too, but that's definitely not it." I replied.

"Who would have thought." They all agreed.

"Still though..." One continued. "He might be a good student, but that doesn't make him a good person, you know."

"Jeez, you guys. You can't judge people by what they seem to be from the outside. I know Kizumi seems like he's a horrible person because of everything we've seen him do, but I don't think so...I mean, he's still a human being with feelings, you know? We have to remember that people aren't as basic as having one kind of personality." I said. They had fallen silent and were looking above me, and slightly to the right. Their faces looked terrified. I turned, and standing next to me, was Kizumi.

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