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As we walked down the sidewalk to town, the clouds above caused the sky to become overcast on and off. Kizumi walked next to me in silence. I looked straight ahead as I walked, unsure of what to say as we made our way down the sidewalk into town. Should I have been talking with him? Was it normal for things to be this quiet? I couldn't tell...usually I was with my usual group of friends who always had something to say. In this situation, neither one of us knew what to do.

It was quiet for so long that it almost scared me when Kizumi finally spoke.

"What kind of movie are we getting?" He asked without looking at me. I thought for a moment, but came up with nothing.

"I have no idea...what kinds of movies do you like?" I countered, hoping he would think of something. He sighed and shrugged slightly.

"I don't know. I don't really care." He responded.

As I glanced over at him to say something about movie genres, I found myself fixated on Kizumi in a long and sudden moment. He looked straight ahead, not making any expression, not speaking, and not doing anything particularly special. He was simply just walking beside me. I think this might have been the first time I had ever been hit with Kizumi's strikingly good looks.

He was taller than me by more than a few inches, and had dark hair that gave life to his eyes, and a refreshing glow to his face. He was...really attractive. Though I found myself idiotically jealous in a way, I couldn't help but feel my cheeks flush as I looked at him. 

He was attractive, smart, and he probably didn't have a bad personality underneath. Maybe I didn't really mind being kissed my him that one time...


I Mentally slapped myself and turned my face away from Kizumi's line of sight. I really didn't need him to see me blushing to this extreme of a level. That kiss wasn't...no...I definitely minded. I...I had to mind. I mean...Kizumi is a guy. That was weird for me, right?

I continuously denied the thought of possibly liking him over and over. I was just overreacting because he kissed me out of nowhere. It muddled my thoughts, and I just needed to collect them again...even if it took me a few weeks. I hoped it wouldn't. It was kind of odd to have thoughts like this when the other person was a man...

I took a breath and glanced back over at Kizumi to find him looking at me. Of course, he turned his head away and looked down as he walked, blushing furiously. I felt my own cheeks beginning to get warm again, and I quickly looked forward and forced myself think of something to talk about.

"So...what kind of snacks do you like?" It was a stupid question, but I figured it was better than having us both walk down the sidewalk blushing with an awkward silence surrounding us. 

"Uh..." He started then paused to think. "I...I like anything I guess..."

"I guess I'll do the snack picking then. You choose the movie, alright?" I said as we finally approached the nearest store. He nodded and then said,

"What kind of movie though?"

"Any one you want. I don't mind what it is, as long as it interests you." I smiled at him and he forced his eyes away. He split ways with me once we got inside the store. I headed for the candy aisle and sighed when I reached it.

There was so much candy and different kinds of chips that I felt sort of overwhelmed. I would probably be there forever just trying to choose one thing. I looked around for a moment and then decided to not even worry about what Kizumi might or might not like. I played it safe, and grabbed a bag of regular potato chips, some chocolate bars, a couple bags of gummy bears, and then some mixed hard candy, At least this way we'd have some variety.

Since I finished much faster than I thought I would, I headed to the movie section where Kizumi held a DVD case in his hand and was reading the back.

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