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When the bell rang, each of us gathered up our things and threw our trash away from lunch. After splitting ways, Kizumi walked next to me as I walked to my locker. For the rest of that lunch break, my friends kept asking questions. I think Kizumi might have gotten a little burned out. He probably wasn't used to so many talkative people.

"Your friends...they talk a lot." He mentioned as we walked.

"Yes, but it get easier to listen to them go on and on." I laughed. "Besides, it keeps things from getting too quiet."

"Yeah." He seemed sort of dazed. I took my things from my locker, and then turned to face him.

"Kizumi?" I said in a questioning tone. "Are you okay?"

"...yeah." He answered after a small hesitation.

"You don't seem alright." I said as I closed my locker door. He looked down at the floor, then back up to me again.

"I told your friends that we hung out." He muttered, annoyed at himself. I laughed and he looked at me confused.

"What?" He said. I shook my head and began to walk. He followed.

"I don't mind that you told them...it's actually kind of relieving in a way." I told him.

"Relieving? Why?" He looked over at me.

"Well, it's better that they know, I suppose. Besides...I don't think it really matters that we hung out. I mean, that's what friends do, you know?" I said as we approached the English room. Except friends don't almost have sex. I held back a wince at the thought.

"Y-yeah..." When I looked over at him, he was blushing. I was doing the same. Still, when our eyes met, I smiled at him to mask my obvious embarrassment. He blushed harder and it fell silent between us. When we entered the room, I saw a substitute sitting in the teacher's desk. That meant it would be an easy day, at least.

After taking our seats, the sub told us what every other teacher did. Just to do what we were working on in class. Right now, it was basically just annotating things out of a book we were reading, since our project unit was over. I pulled my book out and opened it to the page I left off at last week. I was pretty far ahead, being the good reader I was.

Still, I read a couple of sentences and wrote some stuff down in the paper I had taken out as well. After a few paragraphs, I lifted my head and looked back at Kizumi. He was doing his work when I first looked, but then he glanced up and our eyes met. Both of us looked away, and I assumed both of us were blushing.

I looked down at my book again and sighed. I didn't want to do any more work. I would be too distracted now anyways knowing that he was probably glancing up at me once in a while. He was so hard to understand, but I was kind of starting to get used to it.

I looked up at the sub, who was reading a book, then back at Kizumi again. Carefully, I stood as inconspicuously as I could and made my way over to his desk. I took the empty one in front of him and turned around in the chair to face him. He looked up from his book. I smiled at him and his cheeks tinged pink for what was probably the millionth time by now.

"Sorry if I'm bothering you." I apologized.

"No...you aren't. I'm ahead anyways." He closed his book, giving me his full attention.

"Same." I nodded. "Anyways..." I took a second to piece my words together. To keep him from waiting, I spewed the first thing that came to mind.

"So...do you want maybe...hang out after school or something?" I offered. He stared at me and I continued to avoid getting nervous. "I mean, we live close by each other, so it's not any trouble for either of us to walk back home."

Kizumi was still staring at me, and I tried my best to keep a straight face. I was worried he would decline. If that happened, I wasn't really sure how I'd be able to respond. Maybe I should have thought about that before I asked him.

"After school? You mean today or...?" He waited and I answered quickly.

"Y-yeah. Today...I mean, if you don't want to then that's okay...we can do another day or...or..." As I struggled to finish my sentence, I watched as an unfamiliar look slowly spread across his face. Kizumi was smiling at me.

I nearly fell out of my chair as I looked at him.

The smile that he wore was entirely new for me...his eyes almost seemed as if they were sparkling. He was so beautiful in a way. Every glare that I had ever seen was completely and instantly washed out by his smile. My heart had stopped completely by now, and an urge to kiss him suddenly washed over me with intense force. I felt myself fall even more for him at that very moment.

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