Chaper 9

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That's all I could think of as I caught sight of the familiar looking house.
"Who's party is this again?" I asked Heather
"Oh just one of Jesse's friends. I think his name's Zach?" She replied.
I desperately tried to think of an excuse to go home, but it was too late.
You could hear the pounding music from down the street. Heather opened the door and I inhaled that nostalgic scent. Alcohol, sweaty bodies, weed.
We walked through the door and Heather guided me through the room, past a bunch of people dancing and people making out, to the kitchen. It was a bit quieter in there and there were less people. I was pleased to see a bunch of unfamiliar faces, yet simultaneously disappointed as none of them were Zach. Why did I feel like this?

"Hey babe" Jesse popped up from around the corner and embraced Heather from behind. He was visibly drunk and looked clumsy. They shared a sloppy kiss.

"Umm.. I think I'll go to the bathroom and leave you guys to it if you don't mind." I said quietly while averting my eyes to the familiar sight of the staircase.
After squeezing my way through the right embrace of Jesse and Heather, I made my way to the next room where the music got even louder. It was obvious that everyone in here was high on something as I struggled through the sticky alcohol stained floor and jostling bodies - I couldn't make it. Everyone was so close together and I could feel myself starting to have an attack - no, not a heart attack - an anxiety attack. I literally couldn't move as the floor was so tightly packed with grinding bodies and I could feel guys start to grab at me.

"Hey babe, you wanna have a good time?" A boy whispered in my ear while grabbing my butt and grinding against me. I tried to pull away but there was simply no room.

"N-no.. thanks" I muttered while trying to remove his hands off me.

"Oh c'mon! I bet no ones ever done this to you before.." He said half laughing while moving his hand to my front, between my legs. I could feel his hot breath in my ear, laughing, taunting me. He knew I had no control over what would happen next.

"No! St-Stop it! Get OFF me!" I shouted as I desperately tried to remove his hands but I was simply too weak. He put his hand into my pants as I felt the tears start to well up in my eyes, and I made one final attempt to remove his hand, When I felt his hand fly out and saw blood splatter around me. What th-

"Get the FUCK away from her, Jarrod!" An angry voice yelled from behind me. I opened my eyes to see a crowd of people starting to form in a circle around me.

"You piece of shit, don't you DARE touch her again - you hear?! I'll KILL you!" The same voice said again, this time overpowered with the sound of fist hitting skin. The mouths of the surrounding people formed "O" shapes and I turned around to see Zach pushing my attacker up against the wall.

"If you fucking grind on her, touch her or even look at her again I swear to god I will beat the shit out of you and you'll be lucky if I don't kill you in the process." He gritted through his teeth at the offender who angrily spat blood on the ground in response.
"Get the fuck out of here, Jarrod. Now." Zach angrily let go of Jarrod's collar and I watched as he made his way to the door and signalled to his buddies to leave with him.

That's when I realised that everyone was looking at me, or more importantly, Zach was looking at me. He looked hurt, but angry more than anything. He nodded to me, signalling to follow him up to the bathroom, so I did.


I KNOW GUYS ITS THE LONG AWAITED RETURN!! I love you all so much and I hope you enjoy this chapter, let me know what you think will happen next!! #ZARLIE haha. Update soon I promise, I'll keep at it this time 😘

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2016 ⏰

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