Chapter 5

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What was happening? There was a tingle that went all the way from my toes, past my spine, straight to my brain that made me a little dizzy. I felt pain/pleasure as something or someone bit my lip. I realised it was him. He saw me scrunch my eyes in discomfort. He kissed the same spot and made the pain go away. Was this even real? You can never tell with kisses it could be real or it could be a figment of your mind pulling you deeper into loneliness. But I could tell this one was real.

Should I pull away? This guy is a total stranger. But his lips are so addictive I can't.. Stop, I can't and I won't stop. He swiped his hand past my cheek, my ear, down to my neck. Was I meant to be doing something with my hands? I mean I'd kissed guys before but this was completely different. It felt so right that I didn't want to ruin the moment by doing anything wrong.

After what must have been a few more minutes he pulled away. I licked my bottom lip, I was out of breath. I put two fingers to my lips. They were filled with that tingly feeling. Was I feeling this all just because I was drunk? I didn't think so, and I hoped to hell it wasn't. This feeling was intoxicating and I wanted more, like, right now. But I knew I couldn't. I needed to get home. Home. Shit. I should really get home. I blinked to re-adjust my focus on him. Zach. He had a faint smile on his lips and his hands in his pockets.

"I should take you home now."


The drive home was silent. It wasn't awkward, it was nice actually. A vast contrast to the pounding music at the party. I think Zach knew that too. I fell asleep halfway and had vivid dreams of a boy with soft pink lips and a dimpled smile.

I was woken up by a soft hand on my arm.

"You're home, Charlie." He pulled me out of my seatbelt and opened the car door. I slowly awoke from my delicate sleep and rubbed my eyes to adjust to the light in the car. I stood up and let Zach guide me to the side of the road.

"Which house is it?" He whispered as he swung his head from one side to the other, scanning all the houses in the street. I lived on a nice street with trees on every block of land, and tall modern buildings looking down on me. There were kids my age in nearly every house on this street, but they were already in a little clique before I moved in, and seemed reluctant for me to join them. So I never did. I spent most of my days inside, painting, or hanging out with my "best friend" Marissa.

Zach's hand on my waist brought me back to reality.

I pointed to the white double story house on our left. I shut the car door quietly and crept towards the house. Zach followed behind me. I made my way to the side of the house and pointed to the ladder that leant against the fence opposite us. Zach grabbed it and hauled it over and leant it against the white wall. I started to climb up.

"My parents aren't home all week, but I forgot to bring my keys with me. I keep this one on my necklace." I whispered.

"Smart." He replied.

"Are you holding the bottom?" I whispered to him, looking down from where I stood.

"Of course. I'll catch you if you fall though." He whispered back. I could envision the smirk on his face as he said it.

"Thanks. That's very comforting." I rolled my eyes and kept climbing.

"Oh and by the way, i'm so sorry about everything that happened tonight." I said looking back at him.

"You sure you're sorry for everything that happened tonight?" He smirked.

"Maybe not everything..." I mumbled and continued climbing. I soon reached my bedroom window and unlocked it with the key on my necklace. It came in handy in times like this.

I looked back down at Zach and ran through all the things that happened tonight in my head.

"Goodnight." I said. I climbed in the window and looked out. I didn't realise what a beautiful night it was. The sky was clear and thousands of stars were visible. But my mind didn't want to focus on the sky or the stars. It only wanted one thing. And that thing was Za-

A squeak of the ladder interrupted my thoughts. There he was. Zach. Standing at the top of the ladder looking up at me. I could feel his warm breath on my neck. I just wanted to kiss him again. He laughed a little before he spoke.

"So are you gonna help me up or not?"


A/N WHOOOO sorry guys I've been soooooo busy! I hope you all like this chapter. It's a but philosophical :) aha. Please read it carefully though because I did bother to put in lots of detail in the chapter. I hope you like it :)


Love you all Zarlie shippers xoxoxoxox

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