Swords and Champagne

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Hey guys I know it's been a long time since I have actually done a chapter so I thought why not? If any of you want disaster to strike just wait until initiation is over cause initiation is gonna be fun then disaster will strike Enjoy!!!

Tris Pov

When we get to the training room I see a bunch of dauntless and when I say dauntless I mean half da compound in there.

"Whoaaaaaa!" a couple of guys say checking out my ass

"Nice guns" says Will

"Thanks?" I say more like a question

"So why y'all here?" asks Christina impatiently tapping her foot

"Well our favorite prankster Uriah is here and our Darling Skye is here too we want to see her kick ass and him get his ass kicked" says Dad we all start laughing rolling on the floor

"Hurtful!" says Uri with a hand over his heart and a fake hurt expression. Then 4 walks in and Mom and Dad go to their chairs and start pouring themselves champagne! seriously?

"Okay initiates today we will be doing sword fighting and since both Uriah and Skylar were both in La la land they are going to demonstrate" says 4 he obviously doesn't realizes that I am a master at all weapons,

"Sure!" I say, wiping the smirk right off 4's face, I look to Uri and he just shrugs and walks to the ring. I pick up a long, sharp light sword perfect. We both face each other and 4 annouces


I let him make the first move he swings at me and I block

"I would like to know more about you" he says

he swings and I block again

"I would but I don't trust you enough" I reply I then swing and her blocks

"Really, what about a secret for a secret then" he smirks. I swing again but he blocks it AGAIN!!

" I would tell you but then I would have to kill you!" I replied returning his smirk he steps on my toes getting me distracted enough to move his sword under my throat

"You intrigue me Skylar" he replies getting closer, I come closer our lips centimeters apart then I smile and swivel around catching him off guard. I kick his legs out under him and put the tip of my sword on his throat, he then hands me a champagne glass and we kink them together

"Fair play" he says smiling

"Cheers" we say in Unison and sip gazing into each others eyes I got lost in his and him in mine.

"Well done Skye this is how you sword-fight without out the romance of course" he says and we break apart

Everybody congratulates me and I see 4 from the corner of my eye he looks enraged and jealous ha! serves him right bastard...

Sorry for the delay and short chapter school gave us a real stupid 1 week holiday with 10 3000 word essays to do on top of that I started Omega my new book on wattpad check it out crashingwaves26 and I have to update that everyday to get it going the chapters are quite long about 1000-1200 words so yaaaa I will still update every week on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays!!!!!!!

Plz check out my book if you do you get a promotion for any of your stories or a follow or both bye for now,

Ciao!!!( can you tell i am obsessed with !!!'s)

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