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T h i s  i s  d e d i c a t e d  t o  a n y o n e  w h o  h a s  e v e r  b e e n  j u d g e d.

There is happiness on earth. We may not always possess it but it is here.

You should not change who you are for anyone else unless its what you want.

Being judged for who you are is not your fault. Being judged for what you wear, how you eat, how you look, what you do and so on is not your fault.

You have flaws but all of your flaws are what make you.

Do not let others take your flaws and make them into more than what they are.

Love who you are.

This story may be fictional but it sets an example of how anyone can become happy.

If you're positive toward yourself than others should not matter.

No one is going to be in your body besides you. You will always be in your skin. You will always be you.

The DNA that you are made up of. The blood that you carry and your small flaws make up something much better.

This book is dedicated to those who have realized that they are worth much more than some name calling, numbers on a scale or horrible thoughts.

This book is also dedicated to those who have yet to figure any of this out.

You all are beautiful.

This book is dedicated to you.

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