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Hey sorry guys I haven't uploaded in ages! I've just come back from a holiday and I couldn't upload my next chapter because we didn't have Internet. I will be uploading it really soon though!!!! 

Also I just wanted to give a heads up that my second chapter 'Waking Up' I have re-written it. I am not going to upload a second version to the chapter I'm just going to change some stuff around in it. I decided I don't like how they met so I have re-written it, but not all of it, mainly just the start and I fixed a few spelling errors. I haven't changed it too much and I've made it so it still makes sense to the other chapters but I'm just gonna change a few things to it.

I know Most of my chapters have had a LOT of spelling mistakes and I'm really sorry for that! I just haven't gotten around yet to checking them and my editor has been really busy lately so she hasn't been able to do it yet either.

I was thinking that my story is a little confusing so I'm just going to sum up the characters for u guys to make it easier. 

Grace Storm-

19 years old.

Looks- Long curly, wavy dark brown hair, Big dark Golden brown eyes, heart shaped face. Rosy cheeks, soft plump lips.

Elements- Earth

                 - Lightning

Gift- To heal

Mate- Jake

Status- Could be the most powerful of her kind since her anscesters.

           - Royalty 

Jess Storm-

12 years old.

looks- Blonde curly hair, crystal blue eyes, heart shaped face. Rosy cheeks. Soft plump lips.

Elements- Air

                 - Earth

Gift- To fly

Mate- Unknown

Status- Dead

           - Royalty

Jake Hunter-

20 years old.

Looks- Pitch black hair, Dark brown eyes, strong Jaw line, buff, a little tanned.

Elements- Fire

                 - Unknown

Gift- Super strength

Mate- Grace

Status- Has just found out that he's not entirely human.

Hope that sums it up for you guys a bit. I was going to mention their personalities in there but then I decided not to because you would eventually find out their personalities later on in the story. 

Well thats pretty much all I wanted to say. And thank you to all my readers!! You guys are amazing! and thank you for commenting, voting etc :D

Tizzertron <3

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