First Day Home!

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This house is huge, I can't believe that we found a place big enough to fit all of us! As I turn every corner there is something new.
"So who's getting the biggest room?" Nash asks.
"Yeah how are we going to choose that it's not fair" Aaron adds.
We all just sort of stood there and looked at each other. We knew exactly what everyone else was thinking. We all take off in a hurry, running as fast as we possibly could towards the master suite.
"Hahaha I win" I say proudly.
"Yeah yeah" "We get it" "Ughhhh fine" I hear the other guys chime in.
As we go back to the living room we hear a little whimper coming from the car seat resting on the floor. I almost forgot that she was here for a second. Matt bends down and unbuckles the straps holding Bridget in the car seat and cradles her in his arms. Her crying stops as she looked into his eyes. She had the deepest green eyes you have ever seen which complimented her dark brown hair.
"Hey Cameron..." Jack G said.
"What's up man?"
"I think we're going to need to go shopping for Bridget soon. She only has the three outfits we bought her before we left."
"Yeah that's true. We do need some other things for the house anyways." I said.
"We can go" said Taylor pointing to Carter and Aaron.
"Hey I'll come with you it's not like I have anything better to do" said Nash

After the boys left in their Uber to go and pick out some more baby things and some things for the house, we didn't really have much to do other than just waiting. Well we probably could have unpacked all those boxes sitting at the front hall way but procrastination seemed to take over for a little bit. I was bored out of my mind, Bridget and Matt fell asleep, and then the other guys that were left in the house decided to go and check out the neighborhood. I pull out my phone to see if I got any messages or notifications.
*One new notification*
I click on the little box to see that it's from that babysitting website. Thank
God maybe we'll have someone because none of us know how to raise a baby.
"Hi, my name is Arbor I saw your ad for the nanny job. I recently moved to the LA area and was looking for a nannying job. I am 17 but I am very reliable I was emancipated and I already finished high school when I was 16 I am currently studying nursing but I'm taking it slow so that I'll have a lot of free time. I am the oldest of 8 children so I definitely know how to take care of them. I have references if you would like? Let me know if you consider me for the job!"
"She seemed like a pretty sweet girl, I'm not sure if she would be willing to move in with a large group of guys though."  I say to myself with a chuckle.
I immediately text her back:
"You seem pretty good for the job could we interview you sometime and meet up for coffee?"
" Sounds great! There's a Starbucks right next to my campus, maybe meet there at 2:30 tomorrow after I'm done with class?" She replied.
"Perfect we'll see you there!"

I hope I just found myself a nanny.

A few hours later all the boys just got here with TONS of shopping bags.
"What did you do buy the whole store?!" I say.
"Basically" charmed in Taylor.
We decided as a group that for tonight we're just going to sleep on available mattresses (even though they were covered in plastic still) and couches. We would just be putting everything together and unpacking tomorrow. It would be too much work for this late in the night. Thank God we ordered in because I was starving. After eating and giving Bridget her bottle, I changed her into her PJs. Luckily the playpen was already set up in the living room for us. I wrapped her in her sleeper and put her in the playpen. She was of course tired so she feel asleep right away. I don't understand why people think this is so hard. Maybe we just got an easy baby? As I lay down on the couch next to her playpen I do a quick twitter check. I see all the replies to my post of Bridget earlier. All of us guys are going to have to make a video about her soon because the fans are going crazy wondering who's baby this is and why we have it. I shut off my phone and close my eyes I have a feeling that tonight's going to be a long night with this baby. Hopefully I can get some rest before it all get hectic. And before I know it I've drifted off to sleep.
Woot woot it's my first day back guys! It feels like forever since I last wrote (because it was). But I'm really excited to be doing this again!!
How do you think that the new nanny is going to be?
Comment with what you think! I love to hear from you guys!!
Love ya'll!!!

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