Chapter 6

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Shawn's POV

I know it may look like I am very interested in Bridget but I am. I wouldn't want this to happen to my own little sister but if it did I would want some one like me to take care of her. Nash went and followed the police officer, I hope that he has good news when he comes back. I wonder what we are going to do when Bridget starts to get hungry or needs a diaper change, no of us know how to do any of those things. I really hope we don't have to leave her with a stranger, don't get me wrong we are complete strangers to her but at least all of us have a bond with her already. I looked down at Bridget, she was asleep. She looked hungry she had no emotion but I could just tell she was. I asked around to the remaining guys if anyone knew how to make one. None of them knew but cameron volunteered to help and try to make one.

Cameron's POV

As I sat down on the floor and pulled out Bridget's diaper bag. I looked around inside of it for 1 minuet and found and empty bottle and formula. I looked at the instructions of the can of formula it didn't seem all that hard. I opened that can and realized how little formula there was so I had to get it right the first time. I filled the bottle up and put it in the microwave, let it warm up and then took it out to test. It's did't feel too hot, so I continued and put the formula in. I put the top on and shook it up. Looked fine to me. I look over at Shawn who is holding crying Bridget and hand him the bottle. He sits down and then Taylor volunteered to feed it to her. Shawn hands him the baby and Taylor starts to feed her like a pro. "Have you done this before", I ask Taylor jokingly. "Maybe once or twice" he says back with a smirk on his face. I look around and notice that Nash left. I thought maybe he will come back with good news.

About 1 hour passed and Nash came back, his face said it did't look like it was good news. I look over at Taylor who has now sleeping Bridget in his arms everyone gathers around Bridget and Taylor and some lady who appears to be in her mid-40s comes too. "Umm" Nash starts out. The lady looks at Nash and she then begins to talk " Hi my name is Jill Brown I work for child protective services." I look at Nash looking down at his feet like he can't stand just standing here, he looks like he is going to cry. Jill continues "We are going to have to take Bridget into out custody now". I see Taylor clutch Bridget as Jill says that. "No" I reply to Jill. " The officer said that until things are worked out and we find her family that one of us are able to be with her at all times." Jill motions am officer over and whispers something on his ear. He then speaks up "Son you have to hand over the child to authority's". "We won't" I hear Taylor reply. "Come on guys we have to hand her over I will find a way for them to let her stay with us while they figure it all out." Nash says. Everyone looks at Taylor as he slowly losses his clutch on Bridget and hands her over to Jill. She says "One of you may stay with her at all times if your that worried." We agree that we will switch who gets to be with her every 20 mins. Jack J volunteers to go first so that some of us can work off our steam before we go with the baby. The rest of us sit down and watch Jack walk off with the lady and Jill. Then I worry who will take her now?

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