Chapter 7

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Matts POV

We all cooled down after a bit and sat there, Jack came back and Aaron said that he would take her for a little bit. Then Cameron spoke up "should we adopt her..." "WHAT" most of us said in reply. "Cam taking care of a kid is not like taking care of a pet or something" said Carter. "Yeah" I replied "none of us even has our own house anyways and we are constantly on tour" said Nash. "We could all find a house and move in together we could take care of her together." Said cam. He did have a point I thought I wouldn't want this little girl to be parent less her whole life. Also why have her go though foster care when she can already have a chance for a family. "I say we take a vote all who agree that we should find a house move in together and adopt Bridget raise your hand." We all sat there for a minuet silent and then one by one we all raised our hands until everyone had our hands up. "Ok agreed" Cameron said with a smile on his face. He got up to go and trade Aaron for Bridget and tell them the news.

Cameron's POV

After I told Aaron what the plan was he was so excited. I went to go and find Jill while Shawn took over to watch Bridget. I found her over by some police officers working out some sort of paperwork. "Hey can I talk to you for a minuet" I asked Jill "sure" she said while putting her papers aside. "The guys and I had something to ask you" I said, she looked at me with an confused face. "Sure what do y'all need" she said with a southern twang in her voice. " We want to adopt Bridget" I said, she looked at me like I was crazy. She just stood there stunned for 20 seconds or so. Then she finally spoke up "do you guys even know how to take care of a child? Do you have a house? Do you guys even have anything prepared for a child's life"? I looked at her and told her what the guys and I discussed. She looked at me and said "well I have no reason to stop you, but I am requiring that you guys find help like a nanny or something that will help you out". I was so excited I couldn't wait to tell the other guys. She said that she would have to get some paper work from the car and would meet us in 30 mins at the cafe down the street to discuss some basic things with all of us. I told the guys and we made our way down there.

Shawn's POV

Wow I couldn't believe that Bridget could be all of ours. We could spoil her, go to the beach with her, cuddle with her, and have tickle fights one day. I could see her life turning out almost perfectly. She had so much to offer for her, I was starting my music career, Nash and Cam are taking acting classes, the Jacks are going on tour, and so much more. I tweeted out "Can't believe that were actually doings this ☺️☺️". I noticed that we got to the cafe where Jill told us to meet her. We found a table and sat down, she came in with a briefcase and a ton of paper work. Taylor had found a house online earlier in the day and asked a friend of his to walk hime thought the house via videochat. It looks great so we fax'ed him the paper work now we are proud owners of a 3 story, 12 bed, 11 bath house. Jill sat down in front of us and asked "ok so who will be her legal guardian aka her biological father?" We all looked at each other we never discussed this. We all wanted to be her dad but we don't know how to choose who will be that role in her life...

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