Chapter 6: Niall and Kayla..<3

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Kayla's POV:

When I was walking with my arrows I could feel my heart race, I was nervous. I knew that I was alone without Kimberly and had no idea what to expect. When the arrows came to a stop. I noticed I was standing infront of a hotel room door. There was a note. "What is it with them and notes" I said to myself. When i pulled the note off the door which was taped. "Hey blondy(: If you look under the mat that you are probably standing on you will see a key. If you decide to unlock the door and come in then you are basically saying this is our first date. You choice..But if I were you I would come on in(; XOXO Niall<3" I smiled and reached under the mat and grabbed the key. Unlocked the door and went inside. The lights were off but there were still a little glimpse of light and it was coming from the balcony. I slowly walked towards the light the closer I got the more I could see. Candle light, a table covered with roses and wine not to mention strawberries. Then standing there facing the beach was Niall. One of the most beautiful guys I have ever met. His blonde hair and blue eyes was unberable. It took your breath away, I cleared my throat so he would know that I was there. He turned to face me, "Kayla, wow you look beautiful." Even though I had a bathing suit on covered with a simple summer dress. "Thanks Niall, what is all of this." He walked over to one of the chairs and pulled it out from under the table. "Our first date." I smiled and took my seat as he pushed the chair back under the table. He then took a seat in the chair right in front of me. We talked about little things. About Kimmy and Harry, where I am from and where he is from. We joked around and ate strawberries. "Wanna come inside the breeze is a bit chilly" I nodded and got up and followed Niall inside. He closed the balcony doors and pointed to the couch. I set down and he grabbed the Wii remote. "Netflix is my saver, I love watching old shows that I used to watch in my childhood" Deep down inside I knew he was perfect I loved watching reruns and stuff with Kimmy it was something our Saturday nights were filled with. "Sounds great" We watched old shows while we cuddled on the couch. I have to admit it was a perfect night. But I couldn't help but wonder about Kimmy and Harry. "Do you know what Harry is doing with Kimberly..?" He smiled "Yeah, but don't worry about that" He got really close and whispered this to me. There was so much tention I wanted to break it with a kiss but I didn't want to kiss him and him not wanna kiss me. But before I could back away he put his hand on the side of my face pulling me closer and rubbing the side of my cheek with his thumb. Then he kissed me. Fireworks, sparks what anyone would picture a perfect kiss be that was it. I had finally found the one. It felt right. I couldn't pull away. Then my phone vibrated. "Ugh" It was Kimmy *OMG you have to come back to the room!!! You won't beleive what happened tonight it was perfect!!!<333* I smiled. "I have to go, Kimberly wants me to go back to the room." He nodded and walked me to the door. "I had a wonderful time Kayla" He kissed me one more time. "Goodnight beautiful" "Goodnight" I then walked towards the elevator and got in. I couldn't wait to tell Kimmy about my amazing night with Niall<3

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