4: Skipping School and Sleepover

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Last night when after talking to Alec I fell asleep immediately. It was around 2 in the morning when he came to talk to me. Around 4, I woke up again. This time it was due to a nightmare. What happened that day keeps haunting me and also the consequences of the event from that day. Since I was awake for a long time after the nightmare, I got late for school. When I woke up.to get ready for school it 7:50 already and school starts in 10 minutes.

"Shit. I am late." I got ready in 5 minutes. I took a quick shower, skipped breakfast and out to my car. The only thing was that my car was not there. I saw a note on the garage door saying....

Hey Liz,
I am sorry I bumped into your. Your car has been badly damaged so I took it to the dump and decided to buy you a new car.
-Love Mom

"Great. Just great. I am running late for school and now my car is gone. Thanks a lot mom."

"Need a ride?" Alec's voice made me jump a bit. He was looking gorgeous in that messy hair, white shirt, black jeans and his Bad Boy leather jacket with his Raybans and his signature smirk.

"Hey. Um...yeah. I actually do need a ride. My mom damaged my car."

"You know you already missed half of homeroom right? There is no point in going to school. Did you eat breakfast?" I shaked my head 'no'. "Let's go somewhere. We can invite the guys and Ellie as well."

"Sure, but can we-" Before I could finish my sentence he was already talking to the guys and told them to meet us at front of our house. They guys and Ellie reached withing 15 minites after Alec called Ricky. We went to an diner and got breakfast. Then we spent time at an ice cream store, which by the way has the beat ice cream that I have ever tasted im my life. That's how we spent our school hours. My called saying she was gonna stay at a friend's house tonight since it's been too long since they have seen each other. I mean lile seriously....they saw each other yesterday. It was getting late so I told the guys and Ellie decided to crash at my place since my mom was staying over at her friends' house and tomorrow was also saturday. We were watching a horror movie, and let me tell I HATE horror movies and am also absolutly terrified of them.

"Guys. Let's not watch a horror movie. Liz is terrified and hates horror movies." Thanks for telling them Ellie.

"It's not that bad, besides we are here. Nothing will happen." Alec said. Okay. Maybe I spoke too soon.

The movie was already half done when I realised that everyone was gone. I was there by myself. I heard noises coming from behind so I turned to look. Stupid thing to do but I did it anyway since it was starting to creep me out. I saw a no-one. Maybe I was imagining things. As soon as I turned the guys jumped out from behind the couch scaring me and making me fall on the fall hard.

"Oh my god. That face was priceless. Did you guys see her? It was hilarious." Alec said out laughing with the guys but when they saw me they droped their laughs and stared at me with concerned looks while the tears kept comimg out silently. "What happened? What are you guys looking at?" Before Alec could turn around I jogged away to my room and Alec ran after me. Before I could go in my room, Alec grabbed wrist and puled me towards him and brought me downstairs. They guys looked at Alec with deadly faces and looked at me with concerned and apologetic looks. Ellie came running from the bathroom that was near the kitchen.

"What happened here? I heard someone scream. Is everyone okay?" She asked panting as if she just ran a marathon. Then she looked at me and her facial expreasion changed into something deadly. "What. Happened. To. Her?" She pointed towards me as she asked the boys and they all turned their faces towards Alec who was standing there with a horrified expression.

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