8: Trouble of Matt

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We both were happy since we both were going to London, but the only thing was that we applied for different colleges. Our colleges were nearby though. We decided to buy an apartment and move-in together. Kyle would also be going to London with me since mom is barely home to look after us and I don't want Kyle to get hurt in any way. He is also fine with moving to London with me. Alec was overjoyed with me moving to London and agreeing to move -in with him.

As I reached home Ricky was in the kitchen cooking while Ellie, Kyle and Lily were watching him cook. It was an amusing sight to watch. It looked as if Kyle and Lily were their kids and Ricky and Ellie were a married couple.

"Good evening guys. What's for lunch?"

"Hola to the new couple! How was your date last night?" Ricky asked while focusing on the food.

"Eh. It was okay."

"WHAT!?!? What do you mean by 'It was okay'? We spent an entire week planning this." Ellie said without realizing what she said and widened her eyes after she did realize. "Um- I... surprise!?"

"So you admit that you were in this as well?"

"How did you know?"


"Yes... I was in this as well."

"I totally love you guys. You are the best friends anyone can ever have."

"We love you too Liz." Ricky and Ellie said in unison.

"Okay. That's enough love for today. Can we have lunch now? I am starving."

We talked about last night and what we did. We obviously left out the dirty deed. For lunch we had burgers and fries.

"The kids weren't that much of a trouble were they?" I asked.

"Of course not. They were awesome. If you guys need need me again I would be glad to help." Ricky said excitedly.

"You know I love your brother very much. He is sweetest brother ever." Ellie says.

"Movies anyone?" Alec asks as he walks i the living room.

"YEAH!" Ricky, Ellie and me said in unison.

"Let's call Austin over as well." Ricky went to call Austin and we chose the movie.

"So.... what are we watching?"

"Fast and Furious 7." Ellie said from the kitchen while making popcorn.

"Can we not? We watched it last weekend." Ricky whined.

"Too bad." Alec said mocking him.

"When will Austin be here?" As if on cue the door bell rings. "I will get it."

"Wassup bitch?"

"Hey jackass. Come on in. The movie is about to start."

"Lead the way Mrs.Parker." Oh no he didn't.

"What did you call me? my name is Liz Greene."

"Sorry ma'am. No need to get angry."

"What the hell happened? Why are you 2 screaming like maniacs?" Alec and Ricky asks as we both walk in the living room.

"He called me 'Mrs.Parker'. Why would he do that?" I groaned and plopped myself on the couch beside Ellie.

"OMG! You 2 would make the perfect married couple and cute babies." And here it goes again. Me and Alec groan and curse while Ellie, Austin and Ricky kept talking about us while me and Alec watched the movie.

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