13: Goodbye

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"Ellie, can you please get me a glass of water?" My throat was dry as a paper and was extremely scratchy.

"Yeah, sure." She got up and went to get to cafeteria. She came back and handed the glass of water. As soon as I sipped the water I blacked out. The last thing I remember was someone calling out my name.


The first thing that came to my attention was beeping noise, white walls and the uncomfortable bed. Everyone else was on the couch sleeping, when I said everyone I mean all our friends, Lily and Kyle as well.

A few minutes later the doctor came in with Jennifer behind her.

"Hello, Elizabeth. I'm Dr. Reid, how are you feeling now?"

"A bit better. What happened?"

"I'm not the best person to tell you this. Mrs. Parker will tell you what happened." She said and walked out the door.

"Jennifer, is Alec okay? Did something happen?"

"Stressing is not good for your health. Liz, you're pregnant." What?

"What? Does Alec know about this? I want to go see him."

"He doesn't know yet. Liz, you can't go see him. He's not here."

"What do you mean by that? If he's not here, than where is he?"

"He needs a big surgery, because the bullet caused serious damage to his artery and when he fell after being shot, he hit his head too hard on the fall which caused some brain damage."

"Where have they taken him?"

"They have taken him to London 2 days ago." Last night? how long was I out for?

"How long was I sleeping for?"

"4 days. Anyways, I'll wake up the others and leave you guys alone." Jennifer said as she walked over to the couch and woke everyone up. As soon as the adjusted their eyes, they jumped up and ran up to me.

After talking to them for an hour I was allowed to check out of the hospital. As soon as we came back to Dylan's, Alec's mom rushed up to us.

"I got all of you tickets to London the day after graduation. Alec, Liz, and Kyle are not going to come back, cause you guys got your acceptance letters from University of London. Your mom has also given Kyle's custody to you and your custody to me." Jennifer gave all of us our tickets and mine and Alec's letter to me.

After that we all went to our rooms and packed our bags since graduation was only a week away and the next day we'd leave for London. We were happy that we'd get to see Alec, but after almost 2 weeks.

---- 2 Weeks Later ----

The day has come, the day we leave for London, to see Alec, the day we've been waiting for. I got out of my room after getting ready and made my way downstairs. Alec's mom was driving Ellie, Ricky, Kyle and me to the airport while Rachel's mom drove her, Austin, Dylan and Lucy.

We were waiting for our flight which was in an hour, we had checked in and had all our personal stuff with us.

"3:04 pm flight to London, please make your way to the check in."

We all hugged and said our goodbyes. They check our tickets and let us through to our gate and we started boarding the plane. We got our seats together thankfully, and Kyle was beside me. We all put our stuff away and got seated. It was a 9 hour flight since we took the direct flight to London.

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