Chapter 1:

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(This chapter is based on an actual episode so it may seem kinda familiar xD)


I had gotten up to use the restroom when I saw Lassiter, also alone and wasted.

"Lassie?" I called out, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Spencer! Why am I surprised?" Lassiter questioned, throwing his arms up in what seemed like frustration. Hard to tell seeing how tipsy he was.

"Why are you wasted...?" I walked over to the table he was at, but didn't sit down. Don't want to get too comfortable...

"Hey. Do you like scotch? Hey miss! Can I get two more of these, please? Thank you." Lassiter called out to a waitress. I gestured my fingers to say, 'one more,' then turned back to Lassie. "Listen. There is something I have got to get off my chest."

"Is it your shirt, please say no."

"You.....Astound me." Lassiter slurred.

"...Come again?" I leaned my head closer in, making sure I heard the detective correctly.

"It is some of the most impressive reasoning I've ever seen."

"Is there a punch line coming? Let's get to it." I braced myself for a cruel joke, but none came. Only Lassie's kind, but drunken words.

"I don't know how you do it. I mean, it's not 'psychic...ness.' We both know that's a crock of crap." I couldn't help but feel a bit offended. "But you, sir, are unstoppable. Guaranteed arrest." Okay, that made up for the lack of faith.

"...What's happening here?" I asked, now wondering what in the hell was going on.

"Can I tell you a secret?"

"I wouldn't recommend it no." I tried to stay funny but this was starting to get weird.

"I......." Lassiter looked off, as if not sure he wanted to say the secret anymore.

"You.....? What? Have AIDS? I don't-"

"I think I'm in love with someone." That's when I felt my heart drop. Who the hell could he be in love with?! Wait, Why was I so jealous? I kept that to myself.

"Lassie! That's great! Who is the special lady?"

"It's,not a lady,idiot." His words were starting to slur even worse.

"Oh. Sooo, a dude?" I was now really weirded out. Had Lassie just come out to me.... to me?!

"Yea~" He almost fell straight out of his chair, I managed to catch his arm. "See?!"

"See? See what?"

"That's why I love him." My heart literally skipped a beat. He didn't mean me... did he? I didn't get to find out because poor Lassie passed out. I had to give him a ride back to his apartment. The rest of the night I couldn't stop thinking about it.... It couldn't of been me. He was drunk. I guess I'm just gonna ask Lassie in the morning at the station. Oh crap...

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