Chapter 3:

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The rest of that week, I avoided Lassiter. If I saw the detective in by the chief, I would spin Gus around and tell him I was starving and we were going out to eat. Gus, of course, never denied it. I tried to make my avoidance from Lassie subtle but I could tell he noticed. About two days after the... Confession, Juliet approached me.

"Hey Shawn." She greeted.

"Hey Jules! What's the happs?" I greeted back, trying to sound as bubbly as possible to hide any worry or sadness that now lingered in my voice.

"Um, I wanted to ask you about something..." Juliet bit her lip.

"Sure. Anything."

"What's going on between you and Lassiter?" She stated plainly.

"Ooo, Anything... Except that." I cringed, shaking my head. "It isn't that big of a deal."

"Shawn. Lassiter is my partner and you are my friend. Tell me. I mean, you two normally avoid each other but more in a... More in a friendly way. But this last week you two are avoiding each other because you honestly don't want to be together. Please, what's going on?" Juliet pleaded, cocking her head ever so slightly. I groaned unpleasantly, until giving in.

"Fine." I grabbed her arm and dragged her to a less crowded part of the department. "Lassiter...." I wanted to say but found it was a lot harder than I thought it'd be. Juliet waited impatiently for an answer. "He's just... Mad at me. I took a prank too far." I lied. I didn't want to lie to Juliet, especially with her trust issues and everything but... was it really my place to tell her? Juliet crossed her arms, becoming suddenly very infuriated.

"What did you do." She demanded.

"Geez Jules. I just," I tried to think of a prank that seemed terribly mean but not mean enough to piss Jules off. "I... Pants him."

"You what?" She lightened up a bit.

"In public, Yeah... He complained that he forgot his belt and that his pants were loose and I took that as my opportunity. He wasn't very pleased." In Juliet's eyes, there was a mixture of pity and humor towards Lassiter.

"Shawn." She said with a more annoyed tone then anything. "Did you apologize at least?"

"Uh, well-" I shook my head and got an eye roll from Juliet.

"I think you should apologize. I hate to see you two so distanced. Maybe even try and be nice for once." She said smiling thoughtfully.

"But Jules-I am nice to-" Juliet cut me off.

"Bye Shawn. I've got tons of work to do." She smiled and strode off, her heels clicking along the way. I still felt slightly bad for lying to her. I sighed and thought about what she said. Maybe apologizing wasn't such a crazy idea...


All day I thought about Juliet's advice to apologize. Sure, it was advice for a lie, but, it seemed logical for my situation as well. I then got a crazy idea. It was a terrible idea, but an idea nonetheless. I was gonna call my dad.


"Shawn. What do you want, I'm sorta busy here."

"Busy? Busy doing what?" I asked scrunching up my face in confusion.

"I'm- Ah you wouldn't care anyways. What do you want?" Henry asked, stopping whatever the hell he was doing. (I could tell, even over the phone.)

"What do you do when someone tells you, in the state of being drunk, that they like you but then they sorta avoid you afterwards?"

"Well, Shawn. First off, do you like her back?" I froze. Did I like Lassiter? ... I breathed shakily and swallowed before answering.

"Yes." I felt hot. I just, out loud, admitted to having a school girl crush on Carlton Lassiter...

"Then it's pretty simple. You have to approach them. Tell her how you feel. Usually drunk confessions are true. If she admitted to liking you but is just avoiding you that means she's shy. She is embarrassed that she didn't tell you sober. If you like her as well, she'll most likely be into you still. But when you tell her, don't be a Jackass about it. Does that make sense?" Henry had rambled on but he did make sense.

"Yeah thanks dad. Oh and um." I paused. "It's not a her it's a him bye!" I hung the phone up quickly and couldn't help but to grin stupidly. C'mon, that was funny. I shoved the phone in my pocket. Tomorrow was gonna be a tough day.



So, some encounters with other character oooo not actually that exciting or long of a chapter I know. Sorry about that. :/ But, next chapter will be most likely one of the last chapters. I intended for this to be sorta shorter so yeah. But, I'm glad you peeps are enjoying! ^^ But really, any suggestions (no smut sorry or you're welcome xD) for this story and I'll be (probably) on board with it!

Stay awesome!

Buh bye~

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