Chapter 5:

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"Oh, my, god."

I smiled awkwardly and see Lassiter putting on his 'professional' face which looks more like he's a guilty child.

"I knew there was something!" She jumped up and down giddily.

"Wait-what?" I blinked, cocked my head slightly, staring with a puzzled look. I thought she would've been pissed or grossed out or something like that. But she's acting like she wanted this to happen.

"You two! I knew you guys were mean to one another for a reason!"

"Well we-Uh-You're not gonna tell the chief, are you?" Lassiter questioned in his 'serious business' tone. She smirked as she pretended to zip her lips shut and throw away the key.

"Thank you Jules!" I shouted, maybe a bit too loud, smiling widely.

"Shh!" She scolded but she couldn't help but smile. I honestly expected her to run off a tell the chief and get me fired or something. But to my relief she was very cool about all of this.

"The Shassie ship has finally sailed!" I joked, throwing my arm around Lassiter's shoulder. He jabbed his elbow into my side and growled something I couldn't hear. I laughed and returned the favor to him.

"Is this why you two were jerks to one another? Because you were secretly lovers?"

"Sadly, the Shassie ship has only sailed a few minutes ago. So, no. But it's a possibility."

"Stop calling it that Spencer." Lassie scowled.

"Okay okay. I'm sorry. I hope that this doesn't affect our future together." I smiled crookedly and winked. Lassiter coughed awkwardly and looked away.

"Of course not." He mumbled. I grinned even larger.

"Soooooo, when are you going to tell Gus?" Juliet asked raising her eyebrows.

"Ooo, I dunno. Gus is a little sensitive to me doing anything for Lassie, much less, doing Lassie." I explained clicking my tongue.

"We haven't done anything Spencer."

"Yet." I winked ducking his punch. Juliet folded her arms.

"He also has a problem with you keeping secrets. You have to tell him."

"Ehhh okay. I will," I started. "Eventualy." I mumbled that last part. Unfortunately, she heard me.


"Okay okay. I will." I pulled out my phone and dialing Gus' number.

"Hello?" I heard him say from the other end.

"Hey buddy. I've got some good news. Meet me for lunch at that restaurant outside the Police Station at noon."

"Which one Shawn. There are like four."

"The one with the really good jerk chicken."

"Oh okay okay. What is so important anyways?"

"This is actually something I should- I'd like to tell you in person."

"Alright... see you then."


Next chapter will be all about Gus' reaction :) Get ready for that.

Also, I am SO sorry about that long of a wait for an update! We recently got two foster kids, a 1 and 2 year old, and their bit of a handful. I legit have very limited time between homework and these boys and usually my free time I spend sleeping. XD But I promise that I'm going to try to write more because I feel so awful... like I am so sorry...

Anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter :3 Have a wonderful day and if you have suggestions leave them in the comments!!

Buh Bye~

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