Chapter 4:

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That night I stayed up thinking. Should I take Juliet's advice and apologize for making things awkward? Or my dads and tell him I do like him back. Both?

"Ugh." I groaned aloud. I rubbed my face and glanced over to the clock. It flashed, 3:36am. "Damn it." I muttered, knowing that tomorrow I'd be extremely tired.


The next morning, I crawled out of bed, very anxious. What the hell was I going to do? I already was determined that today I would confront Lassie about this. Why? Truth is, even before all this, I considered Lassiter a friend. Sure, I teased him and he cold shouldered me but we were buddies. It was weird not to be his friend. I set out of my apartment, and headed for the police station. When I arrived, as usual in the early mornings, it wasn't very crowded. I could clearly see Lassiter, shuffling around with some papers. He seemed very tense and I knew that had something to do with me. Or maybe just work. I took in a shaky breath and started walking forward, deciding I was going to take both ideas and merge them. But after about five steps, I got a better idea. I resumed my walk and confronted Lassiter. He 'didn't notice' me at first so I coughed to get his attention.

"Oh... Hi Spencer..." Carlton stood awkwardly, trying to smile.

"Come with me." I demanded, staring over to him. I saw out of the corner of my eye Jules watching us, with a sad-worried sense to her.

"Uh, I have lots of work to do... Sorry." He lied, looking back down.

"Carlton." I demanded again, but more forceful this time. He stopped and looked up at me, stunned at my lack of character. But I could of just as well been shocked at his character loss.

"O-okay...." Lassiter stood up and began to follow me, and I started to lead him towards the interrogation rooms. "Why are we going to the interrogation rooms Spencer?" He questioned as I opened the door to room 5, where rarely anyone ever goes. He awkwardly went and sat in one of the two chairs, and I did the same after closing the door.

"I... We can't keep doing this..." I admitted gently.

"Keep doing what-" I cut him off in anger.

"Don't pretend you don't know!" I snapped. "It's just- I just can't anymore, Carlton. I can't." The detective stayed quiet and shrunk in his seat slightly. "I know you are avoiding me because you drunkenly told me that you liked me-" I paused can't believing I was using my dad's advice. "But the thing is- I lied slightly." Lassiter looked up at me.


"I- I'm not for sure that who you said you liked was me. I just need-" I paused again, breathing in. "I need you to tell me who it is. Who you like." I stated it very plainly, desperately wanting to know. Carlton stayed quiet for a while, gathering his thoughts.

"Do you like me?" He asked finally. It was then my turn to stay quiet. A bold move came to my mind, but it somehow seemed appropriate. I stood up and walked over to the now puzzled detective. He stared up at me, blue eyes blazing. "I cannot believe I'm doing this." I thought bitterly before leaning in and kissing Lassiter on the lips. Carlton didn't kiss back but just stood in shock. I pulled away hesitantly, slowly opening my eyes. Suddenly though I was jerked back into the same soft lips, but this time more passionately. After a bit we pulled apart in need of breath. I opened my eyes to find his still closed, as if taking in the kiss.

"Lassie..." I muttered quietly, looking at him. He opened his eyes and I could see the fear in his eyes, as if I'd reject him or something. But I was the one to make the first move, so I had no idea why that would be even a thought in his head.

"I uh-" Lassiter scrambled for words but couldn't find any.

"I know." I stated, somehow 'reading' his thoughts. "I'm psychic, remember?" He swallowed, looking at me before doing something Lassiter rarely ever did. He smiled. But not the 'Ha got ya' kinda smile but the genuine kind. Seeing that I couldn't help but chuckle lightly. We both started to giggle like school girls, not knowing exactly what to do with ourselves."What now?" I asked, staring into his blue eyes.

"Well, O'Hara followed us so no doubt she's on the other side of the glass." I looked behind me to the secret window-mirror and then just somehow knew she was there.

"Oh." I finally said. "Do you think she saw us...?"


"Should we confront her? Or I think I have enough fruit loops in my pockets to last us a day or so." I pulled out a handful of fruit loops and showed them to Lassie. He scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"C'mon." We both slowly made our way to the door, walking out very hesitantly. I looked to the viewing room and saw saw Juliet staring at us, her jaw dropped but a smile along with it, her eyes wide, and her hands balked up and up by her face.

"Oh, my, god."



So, what everyone came to this fanfiction for, the ship has sailed! Haha but I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry about the beginning be very awkwardly written but I was trying... Lol. And there will be one more chapter after this, kinda showing the rest of Juliet's reaction, than Gus's and then just how Shawn and Lassie work cases as a couple. (Sorry not sorry there is not gonna be any smut.)

Some Credits goes to @grungekirk for the interrogation rooms idea. Most of that was their idea. :) Thank you for suggestion and actually reading!! :3

Soooo yeah. I think that's all.

Stay awesome everyone,
Buh Bye~

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