Chapter 6:

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I flipped my phone shut and looked to Juliet.

"Happy?" I asked sighing.

"Yes. Trust me, Gus will understand. He's your best friend." She ensured me, smiling sweetly. "Anyways, I've got some work to do, and Shawn, don't chicken out. Bye!" Juliet walked off and left us standing with drooped shoulders.

"Hey Lassie. I've got an amazing opportunity for you."

"I'm not telling Guster." Carlton said putting his hands up.

"Fine. Fine. But uh, before I tell Gus the truth can I admit something to you?" I asked looking at Lassie, who stared back curiously. "Um, I-I have been in many relationships in the past and all of them were just because I wanted someone in my life but the women I was with were all waitresses or bartenders-girls who most likely had hooked up with many other men before. I guess what I'm saying is that-this feels real. This seems like something that can last forever. You matter a lot to me and I don't know how to make sure that I don't loose it and I'm scared that-" Suddenly, my ranting was interrupted by Lassiter's lips upon my own. When we pulled apart, I sighed feeling better.

"You know, I don't think you could loose me even if you tried Spencer." Carlton ensured, grabbing my hands. I closed his eyes and embraced the detective in a hug. Lassiter put his head on my shoulders and his arms around my waist. I buried my head into the suit of Carlton and we stayed that way for a long while.

"Thank you." I finally mumbled into Lassie's red tie.

"Of course."

"You know, you're much more lovey when other people aren't around." I qteased smiling wide. "Do I embarrass you?"

"You've always embarrassed me. And I think that it'll always be that way but that doesn't mean I won't love you."

"Okay, now it's turned into a cheesy movie-I'm gonna go meet Gus." I pecked his cheek and skipped on passed him, smiling widely.


I walked into the restaurant, looking nervously around for Gus. I nearly screamed when I felt a tap on my back.

"OH MY- Gus." I breathed out, looking up at him. "Hi."

"Uh, you feeling alright? You seem jumping."

"Yeah... I mean no-yes. I'm fine. Lets-lets get a table." I suggested. After we were seated, and already ordered, Gus wouldn't stop staring at me.

"Shawn. Tell me." I stayed silent. "What? Did you kill someone? Need help hiding the body?" He joked, laughing lightly-which sounded more like a scoff.

"Gus. This is hard for me to say-considering that over the years it didn't seem like it but I'm- gay." I froze in place, studying the face of my friend, hoping we'd still be that.



"So, why does that matter? You're still my best friend. Why would you liking boys change that." Gus smiled at me, but I looked away. "There's more?"

"I'm gay for-for Carlton. W-We're dating." The expression on his face was a but different this time. Not accepting but confused and at a loss of words.

"I-Okay. How long have you kept this from me?"

"Not long! I swear it happened like, 2 hours ago." There was a silence.

"Are you two gonna be lovey dovey around one another? Kissing, holding hands? Cause it so, well I'm gonna take pictures and taunt you with them forever. Maybe even show Jules." He joked.

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