Chapter 2:

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I walked into the police station, sighing deeply. I wasn't sure if I wanted to bring up what happened last night at the bar but I thought that Lassiter should know he claimed to like a... Guy. And that guy happened, or I guess it seemed to be, me. I sighed again. While walking along the officers to get the chiefs office to check for any cases, I saw Lassie through the crowds of people. It was obvious he had a terrible headache and was taking pills for it. I hadn't noticed I'd stopped walking until someone ran into me, probably seeing me staring creepily at something.

"Hey watch where your-" I spun around at the sound of Juliet's voice. "Shawn? What are you doing?" I froze.

"I-I was...Er... Spying on Gus. I lost him so I was just trying to spot him out." I lied, holding my breath.

"Um, okay?" She gave me weird, yet joking, look before continuing on her way. I let out my breath. When I looked back over, Lassiter was gone. I shook my head and continued my mission to the chiefs office. When I arrived, my heart stopped. Where else could the detective disappeared to except for the one place I was heading?

"Mr. Spencer. How um, unexpected. What can I do for you?" The chief asked.

"I was just wondering about any open cases you might need a psychic on."

"Really? No 'psychic' vibes? Wow, what's got you down?" Lassiter scoffed over to me.

"Nothing." I growled harshly. Both seemed to be shocked by my cold attitude.

"Well, I'm sorry but we don't have any at the moment. I'll make sure to call you if anything pops up." The chief seemed to be choosing her words carefully, as if afraid I'd snap at her.

"Alright. Thanks." I began walking out but in doorway I stopped, turned around and looked directly at Lassiter. "Oh and um, Lassie. If you really want to help that headache, just don't get drunk again." I shrugged cutely and ran out, leaving them both jaw dropped. I did, however, catch a glimpse of the chief staring over to Lassiter, a confused and angry look to her eyes.


A little later, while I was heading back to the Psych Office, I heard someone calling my name.

"Spencer! SPENCER! SHAWN!" I could've guessed who it was by the voice, tone, and many other things but still decided to turn around and act shocked to see Lassiter running after me.

"What do I owe this pleasure?"

"Stop playing games. How'd you know I was..."

"Hungover?" He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah." I began to put a finger to my head by was cut off by Lassiter's harsh words. "Stop that! Can you just this once tell me how you actually did it?"

"I wish I knew what to tell ya Lassie. The spirits told me. That and the fact I just happened to be there and ran into you." I explained and saw Lassiter cringe. "But mostly the spirits."

"Of course... Yup. Just my luck. I didn't say anything... Did I?" Lassiter stared at me intensely, his blue eyes burning. Should I tell him? He deserves to know but...

"Nope. Nothing." I shook my head and could practically feel his relief. "Besides something about a crush..." My voice was basically a whisper by the end of the sentence. His eyes shot back up, staring directly at me. He than roughly snatched my arm, dragging me into the Psych office.

"What!? What did I say?" His voice sounded urgent, it was nothing I'd ever heard from him before.

"Just, that you liked... a guy." I looked away from his stare. I still wasn't sure if I should say who this guy was. Well, I mean I wasn't one hundred percent sure it was me sooooo.

"Did I say who?" Lassiter seemed like a whole other person. His eyes were wide, his face was pail, he seemed like he was about to explode. I closed my eyes, not wanting to stare at Lassiter's because of all the pressure, and just went for it.

"Yes. Yes you did." I cracked my eyes open and could see that his heart had either skipped a beat or stop all together.

"Who?!" He raised his voice slightly but not loud enough for people outside to hear. I was taken back by the angry and urgency that flamed in his eyes.

"Lassie, it isn't that big of a deal. I mean, you obviously know. I promise. I won't tell him." I tried to play it off as if it wasn't me who he liked. Lassiter seemed baffled, now completely unsure of who he'd said.

"I-I'm sorry... I just thought- Never mind. You know what, this was stupid." I could see this... This disappointment hover over him. He turned away to leave, but I sighed.

"Carlton, wait." I commanded, almost scaring myself that I used his real name. I could tell this room was about to become awkward city. He stopped, and turned towards me, the saddest look in his eyes I'd ever seen.

"Me..." I admitted. Lassie stared at me blankly.

"You what-"

"It was me! You said... you liked, me." I said 'me' kinda harshly and could feel this hotness burning at my cheeks as I looked up at the detective, who had turned pure red. We stood in silence for a moment, before he sighed shakily and ran out. Like, he left so fast I barely could comprehend it. "Wha- Lassiter! I didn't mean that was a bad thing..." My voice was too quiet at the end for anyone to possibly hear me. I stared at the doorway, feeling sadness begin to overwhelm me. Did I like him back? Just then Gus walked in, a confused look on his face.

"What did you do to get Lassie so upset?" Gus asked but his voice seemed to echo and I didn't answer, feeling very distant. "Shawn?" He probably saw the pain in my face, but I was to out of it care. I didn't hear the next sentence Gus said, too lost in thought. Suddenly, startling me out of the weird state I was in, two hands were on my shoulders, shaking me aggressively. "SHAWN!" I blinked and saw Gus directly in front of me, worry spread throughout his face.

"Sorry..." I mumbled.

"What happened?!" He demanded releasing my shoulders.

"I don't know..." I admitted. I wasn't exactly sure what caused Lassie to leave or why I was so upset.

"What happened?!" He asked again, as if it would somehow 'jog' my memory.

"Lassiter came in here..." I started off, replaying the scene in my head. Having a photographic memory isn't as cracked up as it seems. "Asking about last night."

"What happened last night?" Gus seemed panicky.

"I saw him at a bar. He told me that he was ga-" I stopped for a second. "That he liked someone. He wanted to know who he'd said."


"And what?"

"And who was it?"

"I can't say. I promised." I said, now replaying the part where I'd said 'I promise' over and over in my mind.

"Really? You and Lassie secret sharing buddies now or something?" Gus scoffed, folding his arms over his chest.

"Gus, it's really hard to explain." He seemed slightly taken back by how out of character I was.

"Okay. I understand." Gus surrendered releasing his breath. "You're okay though?" I nodded. But I wasn't truly okay. I wanted to chase Lassiter to wherever the hell he was going and just.... I didn't even know what. I just wanted him. But I didn't. I just stood in the in front of Gus, feeling emotionless and numb.



Heyyyy so whatcha think of this chapter? It may seem a little dramatic but that's just how I write because its fun! ^^

What will happen with Shawn and Lassie?? If you have suggestions, just leave them I promise I'll look at it and most likely add it in unless I already have an idea!

Hope you like my story so far ^0^
Buh Bye~

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