Chapter 2

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Jocelyn was still gaping at the sight of her friend that she had not seen for over five years when a tiny voice perked up.

"Hello, I'm Clarissa Fray but you can call me Clary. Nice to meet you."

"Fray?" Luke echoed in confusion. "What's she talking about Jocelyn?"

Jocelyn finally appeared to come out of her momentary shock although there seemed to be an edge to her voice.

"You'd better come in," she said, stepping aside to allow him in before closing the door after him.

"Nice place," Luke commented, admiring the paintings that decorated the walls. He stopped in his tracks at the sight of an unfamiliar man in a frame on the mantelpiece.

He turned to look at Jocelyn who looked away, embarrassed.

"Who's that, Jocelyn?" asked Luke in a quiet but measured voice.

"That's my dad," piped up Clary. "He died before I was born though, so I've never seen him."

She said in an honest, matter-of-fact manner that made Jocelyn feel a twinge of guilt for deceiving her.

"So you haven't told her about Val-"

"Clary!" interrupted Jocelyn with a warning glare at Luke. "It's past your bedtime."

"But mum, I haven't introduced myself properly yet."

"You can do that tomorrow, sweetie," Jocelyn said firmly but with a smile. "Luke will be staying here overnight, I expect, so you can introduce yourself tomorrow. And remember you need to go to Simon's tomorrow so you need a good night's sleep."

Clary appeared to have a small think about this before giving a nod. "That's a good idea," she replied before heading off to her room with a surprisingly large yawn.

An awkward silence seemed to drag on for eternity between the two of them.

Luke was the first to speak.

"So you haven't heard from Valentine?"

Jocelyn shook her head silently. "Have you?"

A bitter laugh escaped Luke's mouth. "Me? He wants me dead, remember?"

For the first time since he had entered the flat, Jocelyn raised her eyes to meet his.

"So he hasn't changed then?"

"Nope. Wants all Downworlders dead so only a pure race of Shadowhunters can walk this earth," Luke replied grimly. He glanced towards the dining table which still held a bowl of abandoned pasta. "I hope I didn't interrupt your dinner."

"No, no, it's fine," Jocelyn said quickly, gesturing towards an armchair. "Take a seat, you must be tired. I'll get a drink."

Luke seated himself gratefully whilst Jocelyn hurried off to the kitchen.

He looked down at his work-worn hands and sighed, wondering if he had done the right thing in coming here. He couldn't tell if Jocelyn was pleased to see him or not. There were so many questions to be answered, so many things to decide. He had abandoned his pack to get here and now he wasn't sure whether he had made the right decision. Would he be able to live life as a mundane, like Jocelyn?

As questions darted across his mind, Jocelyn entered the room with two steaming mugs of coffee which Luke received with a wistful smile. "So you haven't forgotten my love of coffee?"
Jocelyn let out a laugh, for the first time that evening. It broke the tense air between them. "How could I?"

Luke took a long sip of his coffee while Jocelyn watched him.

"How did you find me?" she asked finally.

"Long story, but I think you deserve to know," Luke replied. "Only yesterday, I had to meet Magnus because a cub in my pack had been found dead near the old cathedral and the Downworlders have all been blaming each other for it. I suspect it was the work of the vampires and I know that Magnus is on good terms with Camille Belcourt so I asked him to question her subtly about it. He told me about how you're in touch with him and where you lived and that was that."

Jocelyn nodded attentively and leaned back in her chair. A silence ensued between them again but this time, a comfortable one.

"And also," said Luke suddenly, eyeing the frame of the mantelpiece. "Who is that? Because Clary is Valentine's daughter isn't she?"

"She is," Jocelyn admitted, a little embarrassed. "But I don't want her knowing anything about the Shadow World. It's too dangerous."


"No, Luke," she interrupted firmly. "I don't want her going through what I had to go through."

"She is your daughter and it is your decision," he agreed with a sigh although he still looked a little wary.

Jocelyn gazed fondly at Luke. Despite all those years, he hadn't changed much apart from his greying hair. He still was the same old Luke.

"I've missed you so much, Jocelyn, you know that?" Luke said quietly.

Jocelyn felt warmth flood through her and it filled her with a happiness that had been missing from her since when she had fallen in love with Valentine. Her voice shook slightly as she answered.

"Not half as much as I've missed you. "


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