14 & Pregnant...

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Chapter 1

"C'mon Cloe!! Go to the party!! It's the end of the school year! C'mon!! please?" My friend, Yasmine asked, pulling on my arm.

"Come on! Live a little." My other friend, Hannah, whined.

"It'll be so much fun!!" Savannah said applying, yet another coat of eyeliner. That girl is like obsessed with eyeliner. She's the girly girl type. Always wearing heels, skirts and little shirts with her hair all done and her nails filed to perfection.

I sighed and looked down at the floor. I was sitting on my bed, twirling my fingers.

"Fine." They all squealed. They pulled me up, dragging me over to my white vanity. I plopped down and let them work their magic on me. I didn't like dressing up, more less going to parties.

After about 30 minutes they spun me around. I saw my face. I looked like a girl. Wow! I was gorgeous. My eyebrows were shaped, my lips pink and full, my skin had a gold tone to it.

"Wow! Thank you guys."

"Clothes!!!" Savannah ran to my closet and pulled out a pair of jean shorts with a off-the-shoulder purple and black striped tee shirt. She matched it with a pair of black wedges. UGH! If there was anything that I hated it was wedges! I can't stand them. The only reason I have a pair is because my aunt's wedding I had to attend in. My feet had killed me. She put in something in the soles of it.

"What was that?" I asked her.

"Dr. Sholl's gel pads. I know how much you hate heels so these will help. They won't hurt your feet."

"Okay." She laid out my clothes on my bed, examining them closely. She stalked back to my closet grabbing a black strapless bra. She put it on the bed and came over to me.

"Hair." She grabbed my 1 inch wand. She plugged it in and went to the bathroom. When she got back, the wand was already heated up. She parted the top and bottom section of my hair, pinning the top section up. She started curling my long, brown hair. After she curled the last strand of my hair on the top section she spun me around so I could look at myself in my vanity mirror. I looked amazing. I never curl my hair. It's always up in a ponytail. My makeup was perfect, my hair as perfect. Everything was perfect. Tonight is going to be amazing....I hope.

I pulled my blackberry off the charger and checked my text messages. None. I texted my mother to tell her I was sleeping over at Yasmine's house. Yeah. I kinda got to lie to her because she would kill me if she found out I went to a party.

Yasmine is 15, Hannah is 14, Savannah is 15, and I'm 14. Yasmine and I have been friends since we were both in diapers; My mom babysat her. We we're always together some how. Now Hannah and Savannah we've been friends since 3rd grade. We're going to be in 9th grade next year. My brother, Nick, is 17. Sure he was an only child for 3 years, my mom says he actually was very happy when I came. He's loved me since. Always was there for me when no one else was, I trust him. He's my role model. I've never had a father.

When my mom was 14 she got pregnant, with Nick, by my father, whom I have never met, nor want to meet. He left her. Then at 17 she got pregnant with me. She was 17 years old, still in highschool, supporting two children and a job all while trying to get her highschool diploma. She's my role model. Without her I wouldn't be here. I have a pretty good life. We struggle but with the help of Nick and i'm getting a babysitting job this Summer, with that money we should be able to live. I don't have the 'rich girls perfect life.' I'm more of a 'single mother raising two kids life' It's not the best but to me, it is. Those snotty rich kids don't know what it's like to struggle, not have enough. She replied with, 'Okay honey. Be careful. Be home tomorrow early. I love you.'

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