Chapter 14 (edited)

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(November, shes 4 months along.)

Cloe's POV

It was 1 in the afternoon. I had 3 hours before Kyle picked me up. I got up off the couch, switching off the tv. I walked up stairs and into my bathroom after grabbing two towels. I sat my towels down and went to go do laundry. After I put all the dirty clothes in the washer I went back into my bathroom and started taking a shower.

Once I got out I wrapped my body in my pink fuzzy towel and wrapped my hair in the pink fuzzy hair towel. I walked into my bedroom and grabbed a bra and panties and threw them on my bed. I grabbed a pair of black leggings and paired it with an oversized brown sweater. I put on a pair of brown knee length boots. I curled my hair and applied a minimal amount of eyeliner and mascara with concealer. By the time I got done it was 3:30. Kyle would be here in an hour. I went downstairs and decided to heat up some leftover spaghetti. As I ate Kyle called me.

"You ready?"

"Yeah. I'm nervous."

"It'll be fine. So uh what's up?"


"I could tell. So I've got to go but I'll see you later then?"

"Okay." I ended the call and continued eating. After I was done I decided to call yasmine.

"Hey yazzy!"


"You sound like shit."

"Well thanks. I look and feel like it too. What's going on?"

"Getting ready to go meet kKyle's parents. How ya feel?"

"Like shit. I don't know what I ate but damn. I'm never eating there again."

"Okay. Well I have to go. Kyle's here. I'll fill ya in on the details later alright?" I said as I heard The door bell ring.

"Okay. Love ya sis."

"Love ya too." I hung up and grabbed my coat and put it on. I opened the door to be greeted by Kyle's warm hug.

"You ready to go?"

I let out a breathe.

"As ready as I'll ever be." We linked hands and walked out, me locking the door behind. We got into his car ad he drove off.

About 15 minutes later he pulled up outside his house. We got out and walked up to the door. I sucked in a breathe and slowly let it out. He looked down at me.

"Before we go in I want you to know that no matter what my parents think of you, I will always love you and you'll always be part of my life. I love you Cloe Jane Star." He cupped my cheeks ever so softy and kissed me. This kiss was hard, and rough but filled with so much love and passion along with lust. After we broke apart I whispered, "I love you too Kyle Joe King."

He looked down at me, liked our fingers together and opened the door.

"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" He said walking into the enormous house.

"In the kitchen sweety!" I heard a sweet, almost angelic voice respond. I'm guessing the mother. We walked into the kitchen. Immediately I saw a woman with straight blonde hair and blue eyes. She was tall and skinny. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a pink t-shirt that read "I walk for Diabetes" and on the back was "Mom" Her makeup was flawless. She had glowing tan skin that was flawless as well. You would think rich people, like themselves, would be in an expensive dress with heels and their personal maids or whatever but no. She was standing at the stove cooking dinner. At the island was Kyle's father. He had brown hair and brown eyes. He was tall and lean. He was wearing a business outfit with nice shiny shoes. I think he just got home from work. Snapping me out of my thoughts Kyle said, "Mom, Dad this is my girlfriend, Cloe." His mom smiled at me and his dad just nodded, acknowledging my existence that was in the room.

"Cloe. This is Sophie King, my mother and this here is my father, Robert."

"Hello sweety. My my my. You're beautiful darling! Dinner will be done in about a minute. Sit sit sit!" She said. She's very energetic and bubbly. I like her already. "Thank you Mrs. King."

"Oh please call me Sophie honey."

"Ok Mrs- I mean Sophie." I smiled.

"It's nice to meet you both Sophie and Mr. King."

"Call me Robert or Rob. Whatever you like. Mr. King makes me sound like I'm old." He said causing us all to laugh. He has a deep husky voice.

"Dinner is ready!" Sophia said placing the food on the table. It has been awhile since I had a home-cooked meal. My mouth watered at the sight infront of me. Everything looks so good. I'm so hungry. These kids make me eat like no other! I'm going to be so fat after labor! All well. It'll be worth it.

-everyone's eating-

Kyle's POV

"Uh mom? Dad?"I said squeezing Cloe's leg, letting her know its time. They both looked at me.

"Cloe and I have something to tell you...." I trailed off.

"She-she's-" I stutter not able to get the words out.

"I'm pregnant. With twins." Cloe states. My father looks angry and Disappointed. My mom is just happy all around!

"That's great! When are you due? Are they boys? Girls? Boy and girl? Can I see the bump??" my mom said excited.

"I'm due in April. I dont know the genders and sure." Cloe said answering all the questions. She stood up and turned toward the side. She lifted her sweater up. "Oh my gosh! My grand babies!!" My mom gushed. Cloe payed her hand on her belly button. One of them just kicked. She grabbed my hand and gently layed it there. She or he kicked again. I smiled and looked up at her. She gently grabbed my moms hand and layed it there too. Like me, she broke out into a giant smile.

"I better get going. It's late and my moms probably off work and worried. I told her I'd be home by 8. I'm an hour and a half late. Thanks for dinner. It was nice meeting you! I. Guess I'll see ya guys around eh?" Cloe said.

"Okay. Well I'll be back. Bye!" I said as Cloe entwined our finger together walking out.

Once we got into the car she spoke.

"That was...interesting. Your mom loves me! I love her! not so sure about your dad..."

"He'll come to his senses some time. Don't worry." I pulled Up to her drive and she got out. I got out after her and walked her to her door. She slipped about half-way up and fell back but luckily I caught her. We walked to the door.

"Thanks for tonight. I really enjoyed it." She said looking up at me. Instead of saying anything to her I grabbed her waist then pulled her closer to me. I looked into her eyes then my gaze dropped down to her lips while I was biting mine. My hands slid up to her face. I cupped her cheek then slowly lean in and finally our lips touched.

Cloe's POV

I felt sparks. Electricity. Butterflies. Everything. I love him. I love Kyle. The way he did everything before he kissed me made me go crazy. The babies both kicked. I gasped then I placed Kyle's hand on my stomach where they kicked as mine was over his big hand. This moment. Is. Fucking. Perfect.

"I love you Kyle." I said as he pulled away, smiling.

"I love you too Cloe." We smashed lips again then pulled away. I went inside his taste lingering on my lips. I took off my coat and hung it up then my shoes and went up stairs and changed into sweats and a teeshirt. Climbing into my bed I texted Kyle.

"I love you. :-)"

"I love you too;-)" with that I fell off into a deep slumber.

A/N: I don't have anything to say other then I love this chapter.

Song of the day: country girl (shake it for me) -Luke Bryan


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