Chapter 2 [edited]

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I woke up in a strange room. It defiantly wasn't mine or Yasmine's. I sat up and looked around. Whose bedroom is this? I couldn't remember one thing that happened last night. I looked at my body, fully clothed. Thank goodness. I searched for my phone. 10 new messages Woah! 5 from Yasmine, 3 from my mom and 2 from Nick. I opened my mom's first. The first one read;

Honey? are you awake yet? Be at home by 10 am please. want to have a girls day! love you. Xx Momma.

The second one was;

Honey, wake up sleepy head. Love you. Don't forget, 10 am. Xx Momma

The ones from Yasmine was all along the lines of


and the 2 from Nick was something like Yasmine's. I turned over. Nobody. I got out of the bed and walked downstairs. I heard voices. Oh gosh! I'm going to die! I walked closer downstairs and just saw it was a guy and Yasmine. Yasmine!

"YASSY!!!" I yelled running in the kitchen, fully awake. I fell into her arms and she hugged me. I began crying.

"Shh." She smoothed my hair out.

"You're okay. I'm here. Nothing's wrong. You're safe." She whispered into my ear. I pulled away,wiping tears.

"Who is this?" I asked,he looked familiar but I couldn't place him.

"Kyle. He goes to our school. He's the footballs quarterback and basketballs amazing point guard." I remember him now.

"Oh. Yeah. I remember him." I replied calmed now.

"But why did I wake up in you're house in you're bedroom?" I asked curious.

"You were going to pass out so I talked to Yasmine and she said it was okay for you to stay here so I carried you up to the guest bedroom." He spoke firmly.

"See. You're fine." Yasmine said to calm me.

"Okay. I'm starving!!" I said grabbing my tummy.

"Okay We'll go get McDonalds."

"Okay" We turned on our heels and walked out, after saying thanks to Kyle.

Once in the car she slammed her hand down on the steering wheel with a lot of aggressiveness.

"Are -are you okay?" She took a deep breathe, held it in then let go.

"Yes I'm fine. Here." She shoved ibuprofen and a bottle of water at me.

"Take these. They will wear off you're hangover. Trust me you have a hangover and can defiantly tell you we're drinking."

"O- wait WHAT?! I was drinking last night?! I'm 14 fucking years old!!!" She looked shocked. I realize why. I just cussed. I even surprised myself. I never cuss.

"Bad ass over here!" She yelled her face breaking into a smile. I sat back in the chair with an 'humpf'. I took the ibuprofen.

"Lets go." I said turning on the radio, Avril Lavigne's Here's to Never Growing Up came on. I turned it up as Yasmine rolled down all the windows blaring it! We got weird stares from people. I really don't care. Gotta live while we're young!! We pulled into McDonald's drive thru as I turned it down.

"What do ya want?" Yasmine asked me.

"A yogurt Parfait and a hash brown with a Dr. Pepper. please!" I asked.


"Tank you!!" I said like a little girl. She giggled and gave the girl our orders. We got our order and drove over to my house since my mom wanted me home early.

14 & Pregnant... EDITED & FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now