Chapter 9 [edited]

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It's Septemeber 5th and she's at her 2-month appointment.

I woke up and after rubbing the sleep from my eyes I texted Yasmine.

Good morning princess. I have a doctors appointment..wanna come?

I went to my closet and grabbed a white teeshirt and blue jeans. I jumped into the shower and washed my body and hair. I got out and dressed. I washed my face and brushed my hair and teeth. I put my makeup on and went downstairs after grabbing my phone off the charger. Yasmine texted me back.

Sure. be there in 2 hours. love ya!

love ya too!

I grabbed a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch and sat down at the dinning room table. After eating I decided to kill time. I might as well try to clean my room, since I'm not that big yet. I got up to my room and walked over to my mirror first. I lifted up my shirt. I was actually pretty big for only 7 weeks. I look about 3 months. I ignored it and started cleaning off my desk. I shut my laptop lid after plugging it in, grabbed all the stray pins and put them in the pink cup. I threw away all the paper and gum wrappers and pop cups I got from the station away. I reorganized my makeup and then my desk was done. I cleaned off my bed and then picked everything up off the floor. Once I was done I had about 30 more minutes to spare. I went back downstairs and got a bottle of water and grabbed a banana. I cut it into it and grabbed some Skippy peanut butter and smeared it all over the side of the plate I previously put the banana slices on. I sat down and turned on the TV.

By the time Yasmine got here I was finished and my teeth re-brushed. I can't stand the taste of left over peanut butter in my mouth. Yuck.

She pulled in the driveway as I was slipping on my boots. I grabbed my purse and coat then ran, almost falling on the way to the car since the wind was blowing and it was drizzling snow. Once I finally got to the car safely I got in and buckled up.

"Be careful there. You're carrying my godson or goddaughter."

I looked at her and smiled.

"I will. Mind you, I'm carrying my baby boy or girl. I wouldn't do anything to hurt him or her." I said smiling as I put my hand on my somewhat flat belly.

It was a silent ride the rest of the way there.



"Cloe Star." The nurse called my name. I put down the magazine I was reading about babies and got Yasmine up and we followed the nurse.

She did the usual checked my blood pressure, weight and height. I have gained 5 pounds this past month. The nurse took us to the doctors room and we waited for him to come in.

"Hi Cloe."


"Do you have any questions you want to ask before we get started?"

"I know its very early in the pregnancy but is there anything I should maybe stay away from? That could possibly hurt or kill the baby."

"Just try not to put stress upon yourself and stay away from any smokers."

"Okay. Thats all."

"Alright then." He left the room to get the machine. He came back and rubbed the jelly around on me. He started moving the wand like thing around on my belly.

"Well it looks here you are about 8 weeks along which is 2 months. You're baby looks healthy."

"Earlier I noticed I was big for just 8 weeks. Is there twins or something inside of me?"

"No. Unless its behind the baby right here. We should be able to tell next appointment which is October 5th which will be your 3rd month check-up."

"Okay. Thank you." He handed me a napkin and I wipped all the gel off then pulled my shirt back down.

"Do you want pictures?"

"Yes please." He got up and left. About 5 minutes later he came back from wherever and handed me pictures. We left shortly after that.

"Can you take me to Target?" I asked both of us getting into the car.





"What about this one?" Yasmine asked me holding up and pink covered scrap book.

"That is cute but what if its a boy?"

"Yeah. Lets just get a pink one and a blue one."


We picked two out and Yasmine ended up paying for them because she insisted. She took me back to my house after we ate lunch at McDonalds. I took a nice warm bath and didn't realize how tired I really was until I about fell asleep in the tub of warm water. I pulled the drain and dressed in sweats and a teeshirt. I walked to my room, plugged my phone in and fell asleep shortly after that.

Author's note:

So sorry if the ending was suckish. And sorry it took me awhile to update! Anyway I'm going to be editing all 3 of my books so it may be awhile until I get atleast 2 of them all edited. byee.


14 & Pregnant... EDITED & FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now