Chapter 11

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After about two days of nightmares, I finally gave in to having a cup of slumberberry tea. I couldn't take the madness anymore. I slept and slept for what felt like the longest time, dream-free and happy. It ended up being only a single day of drugged resting, but I already felt rejuvenated and ready to move on with my life.

I woke up the next day preparing for school, but by the time I got downstairs Grady and Edaline stopped me. "Where do you think you're going? You're insane if you think that just a few days after almost being lost forever we're letting you go to school."

"Aww," I complained, "but last time I almost died you let me go to school less than a week after! Please let me go to school, I've already missed so much, and midterms are coming up soon. I can't afford to be gone even a single day longer. Not to mention, what am I even going to do here if I stay home? It's not like I can just-"

"Ok, ok, Sophie we get it. Fine. But next time you're staying home extra long to make up for this." Grady warned.

"Next time?! How do we already know there's going to be a next time?!" Edaline wailed.

"It's Sophie," Grady explained, "There will always be a next time." This seemed to be everyone's favorite punchline since her first few incidents after moving to the Lost Cities.

"Yeah, Mom," I added, even though I was totally over that stupid joke. "You should know that by now."

I ignored her groan of protest and rushed up the stairs to the Leapmaster, skipping breakfast once again. Heading to Foxfire, I decided that I was once again ready to face my problems. Whatever Keefe thought, so be it.

Arriving back in the familiar front corridor, I made my way to my locker to find a good friend of mine waiting for me. 

Fitz waved at me with a confused smile as I arrived at my locker, collecting my books for my first session today. I nodded at him, signaling that we could talk about it later. "Starting off the morning right," I grumbled, changing the subject while plucking my inflicting textbook from the shelf in my locker.

"Inflicting can't be that bad," Fitz argued, his voice still suspicious. "Now that Bronte doesn't hate you so much. And now that you know how to inflict positive emotions."

"I was hoping that too," I admitted, "but inflicting still isn't my favorite. Even though I can inflict positive emotions, I still have to learn about the negative ones. I don't know what we're doing today, but it doesn't matter. Forcing any emotion onto someone else just seems creepy to me, whether it's good or bad."

Fitz nodded, though I wasn't sure he really understood. He walked me to the exit of the lower-level towers before heading up a tall, winding staircase himself to go to his morning session. Sandor and I stumbled across the courtyard to get to the Silver Tower, where I greeted Lady Cadence as she opened the door for me. Sandor took his guarded stance at the door and I grabbed my specially-tailored silver cape. Lady Cadence rushed me up the stairs, not talking to me as Master... or Magnate... or whatever... Leto used to. But a lot of things had been changing recently.

I entered the inflicting room just as the bell rang to signal the start of every prodigy's first session. Bronte glanced at me with a sympathetic look in his eyes. He must've heard about my recent events.

"Shall we commence with the madness, Sophie?"

"I think I'm ready."

"I always knew you were."


Inflicting didn't end up as terrible as I thought, if I'm being completely honest. Bronte and I understand each other a lot better now, so even his most insane ideas are expected and encouraged by me. If there's one thing I've learned from him it's that the most painful things teach you the most about yourself, and the more you know about yourself, the easier life will be. 

Although we understood each other, that didn't stop the flaring soreness in my brain, which was probably still mending from a few days ago.

I tried explaining both things to Dex at lunch, but he just thought I was insane. Both him and Fitz just don't understand the thoughts and connections that I'm constantly making. Keefe understood me way better... if he would just talk to me... 

NO. I mentally scolded myself. Keefe isn't worth your time, just like Tiergan said. I decided to forget about it and just be with my true friends. I was just snapping out of my thoughts when I heard Marella's powerful voice from across the table. "So guys, I heard that Councillor Oralie is having a massive party for the one-year anniversary of Councillor Kenric's death. Magnate Leto is supposed to announce it tomorrow during orientation." She earned herself multiple gasps and "really?"'s and sat back in her seat, satisfied with herself for causing a ruckus.

"Yeah." She confirmed. "Every elf living in the Lost Cities is invited, and everyone has to come with a date if they're a student at Foxfire or a member of the nobility." 

Great. I thought. Just fantastic. Now I have to find a stupid date and...

I froze as a thought washed over me.

Keefe has to find a date too.

Awesome. Just another thing to worry about.

I laughed as Alden's voice filled my thoughts. "No reason to worry, Sophie." Yeah right. As if there would ever be a time in my life where I didn't have to worry.


Guess who finally updated? Enjoy!

Twitter: ellabella_13

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