Chapter 1- Eye to Eye

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Time skip....(6 years later)
Teddy's POV
I drive to the forest to hunt with my roommate Issac. We haven't really caught any animals accept for a bird.

We get out of my truck and grab my bow and arrow because I don't like using guns. We walk in the forest and look around.

"Let's spilt up. I'll go north you go south." Issac says. I nod and we go our separate paths.

A bit after I hear I faint singing. I put an arrow in my bow and walk around the trees.

"Sun goes down and you are here besides me right here in my arms tonight." I hear a female voice sing.

I walk slowly towards the voice and it gets louder. I turn and see an outsider in human form. I get ready to attack but stop. I notice something. She's....beautiful.

She has fair skin and snow white ears and tail with sky blue and light pink streaks running through them. She has platinum blonde hair that sort of looked blue.

I lower my bow and hide behind a tree. I take a breath and look back and she's gone. I look around frantically. I hear rustling and see a pair of eyes staring at me.

I point my bow at them and they disappear. I lower my bow once more and soon it falls out of my hands. Instead I see the wolf girl.

Her ice blue eyes glare at me. She circles around me but soon stops.

"Who are you?" I ask. "C-can you talk?" I ask. She simply nods but still glares at me.

She turns into a WOLF?! I gasp in shock and soon hear an arrow being shot. I turn and see Issac. I look back and see the wolf is gone and she turned back into human running away holding her arm.

Winter's POV
I run away from the humans and run to the cave where the pack and I live. I arrive and fall to the ground.

"Winter what happened?" My oldest brother Lightning asks worriedly.

"Hunters." Was all I could say before blacking out.

Lightning's POV
"FATHER!" I yell. Father comes out of the cave and kneels down next to Winter.

"What happened?" He asked. "Winter said hunters." I say. He looks up and gets up.

"Bring her inside we're going in lock down." He says. I nod and and pick Winter up and go in the cave and father follows.

We cover the cave's entrance with a rock to keep out the hunters. I place Winter on the ground and the my younger brother Shadow being the healer in the pack bandaged Winter's arm.

I look over at father seeing he's thinking. I go up to him and sit next to him. "Father are you alright?" I ask.

"I should've never let her go. Now look what happens. She got attacked by hunters." He says.

"That wasn't your fault father." I say. "Yes it is. I promised your mother I wouldn't let anything happen to any of you and look what happens." He says.

"Father you are only one wolf. You can't push yourself to do more." I say. "Since when are you giving me advice." He says.

"Since you need it." I say. "Father you can't always be there for Winter. She's 16 she is almost come of age. She'll have to hunt more often and bring food to the pack." I say.

"Yes but....I don't want to loose her. She reminds me so much of your mother, her eyes, hair, personality. I don't want to loose her or you or the others. You are the only ones in my life that actually mater to me." Father says.

"But you can only do so much. Don't hurt yourself by protecting her." I say and with that I lefted.

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