Chapter 3- A new world

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Teddy's POV
"It's not your fault. It wasn't you." She says.

"Tell me how can you change from wolf to human." I say. She smiles.

"I don't know my pack and I just can." She says.

"Your pack? You mean there are more wolves here?" I ask. She nods.

"We all go into lock down when someone see's a hunter or just a storm." She says.

"Sounds like you've got a bunch of things to watch out for here. Where do you get your food?" I say.

"The pack hunts. Mostly the Alfa, his sons, my brothers and second in command my father." She says.

"Sounds like your the only girl. Are you?" I say. She nods.

"The Alfa's wife Ruby died a few years back by a bear while the pack was out hunting. I somehow survived but got injured badly." She says.

"You really have a rough life. And I thought going to collage was tough." I say.

She looks down as if not wanting to talk anymore.

"Hey you hungry?" I ask. She looks up at me confused. She shrugs. "Come on I'll take you to something called a city and we can eat." I say.

"Um, that sound grand but one small details you lefted out." She says.

"Like what?" I ask. She points to her ears and turns around showing me her tail. "Oh yay that. Um....." I trail off. I haven't thought of that yet. "I got it come on!" I yell as I grab her hand and start to run to my car.

We arrived and I take out my sweater and a beanie.

"Here, this sweater is pretty big for you and it can hide your tail. And the beanie can cover your ears." I say as I hand her the sweater and put the beanie on her.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" She asks. "Yeah." I say and she gets in the car. I do the same and start to drive.

"So just one question. If your a wolf and you live in a forest where did you get the clothes?" I ask.

"Um, I'm not sure whenever I shift I have clothes on." She says.

"Oh, k." I say. "So we're going to McDonald's cuz it's closest and cheapest." I say as I drive in the parking lot. "Come on." I say to Winter as I open the car door for her and she gets out.

She looks around like a little kids in a candy store. "Whoa, this is a city?" She asks.

"Well a small part of it. This is not technically the city but you'll see more McDonald's where we're going. Come on." I say as I take her hand and we go inside the McDonald's.

We walk up to the cashier and order our stuff. We then look for a table and we find a couple's table. We sit and stay in silence.

"So where are we going after this?" Winter asks.

"My apartment I guess then you can really meet my roommate Issac. I promise he won't shoot you there. You could even meet his girlfriend Annalise." I say. Winter just nods.

We go get out food and get back in the car and head to my apartment. Winter looks at the window and sees the beauty of New York city.

"Whoa." Was all I could hear her say. It's starting to snow common for the beginning of December here.

After awhile we arrived to the apartments where mine is located.

"Come on we're here." I say. It's still snowing and the snow layered on the sidewalk.

I look at Winter who opens the door and tries to get out but I stop her.

"WAIT!" It's too cold for you to walk in snow with no pants on. Just here." I say before I pick her up. "Hold on." I say and she wraps her arms around my neck.

I couldn't let her walk in snow without pants on. She has a torn skirt and I wasn't going to let her get frost bite.

I open the door to my apartment and walk in. "I'M HOME!" I yell. I put Winter down and soon Issac and Annalise come.

"Hey Ted, who's she?" Issac asks.

"Issac, Annalise this is Winter. Winter this is my roommate Issac and his girlfriend Annalise." I say pointing to them.

"Nice to meet you Winter." Annalise says as she holds out her hand to Winter. Winter hesitates for a bit but eventually shakes her hand. "Oh god. Your hands are freezing. Why are you wearing shorts in this weather?" Annalise asks.

"Um, Winter just moved here from Los Angeles, California. She doesn't know much bout snow." I say.

"Oh, well come I could give you some warmer clothes. Can we use your guy's room, babe?" Annalise says. Issac nods and Annalise takes Winter up stairs.

"So Teddy James Moore where did you scoop up this little doll?" Issac asks leaning against the stairs.

"OK don't freak out when I tell you..." I say.

Winter's POV
Annalise just looks at me after she took off the beanie Teddy put on me.

"Are you freaked out?" I ask.

"Not as much as I am confused. Why do you have wolf ears?" She asks.

"Please don't scream." I say she nods. I turn into wolf form and she kneels down.

"This isn't a joke right?" She asks. I shake my head no.

Soon Isaac and Teddy come in and Issac looks at me.

"OK you two got some explain to do." Issac says.

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