Chapter 7- Hospital

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Hours later....
Teddy's POV
It's now six am and nothing. None if the doctor came to say anything to us. Well told me anything because Annalise and Issac are asleep.

I don't blame them. I mean I called them at one o'clock in the morning and now it's six. I'm tired as well but I want to stay up until I know Winter's OK.

I don't know why I care for Winter so much. I mean I'm a hunter and now I'm here to see if a wolf will be OK. But to me Winter's different. I don't know how or why she just is.

And I think I might even have a crush on her. Wait what am I saying? She's a wolf I'm a human. Will that even make sense? Probably not.

"Friends of Winter Frost?" A doctor says pulling me out of my thoughts. I jolt out of my seat and raise my hand.

"Well how is she?" I ask.

"Well she'll be alright all she needs is to wake up. She'll need to stay here for a few days here to heal her bruised ribs and her broken rib she can heal at home." The doctor says.

"Can we go see her now?" I ask.

"Yes, some nurses are trying to wake her up." He says. I nod and wake up Issac and Annalise.

We go to her room and see nurses coming out of her room. We go in and see Winter awake looking around. Winter looks at us and smiles.

"Hey guys." She says softly.

We go in and I sit next to her.

"So how do you feel?" I ask.

She shrugs. "Drowsy." She says. "Tell me. Why am I in here and why is it so white?" Winter says.

"First of all it's called a hospital. Second of all there was a forest fire where you were and I managed to get you out of the forest." I say.

"Where's my pack?" She asks.

I froze. What am I going to say? I can't tell her they died. Can I? Well I can but I shouldn't.

"Winter, they didn't make it." Issac says.

"Of course they didn't make the fire. Why would you think they did?" Winter says.

"No what Issac means that no one other than you make it out alive. Everyone else is gone." Annalise says.

I look at Winter and see tears brimming her eyes and some falling. I wrap my arms around her trying not to hurt her.

"Why?" Winter whimpered. "Why them?" She continues.

"It'll be alright Winter. Trust me." I say.

"You can stay with us when you get out of here." Issac says.

"Thanks but I shouldn't." Winter sniffed.

"Winter you don't have a choice. You don't have anywhere to go. Come on." Annalise says.

"Fine, thank you." Winter says. "When will I be able to leave here anyway?" She asks.

"A few days. Just long enough to regain your strength." I say. Winter simply nods.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2015 ⏰

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