Chapter 6- Burn in flames

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Teddy's POV
It's near midnight and I drive to the forest. I couldn't sleep and I always go here. I park and walk in the forest. I sit on a rock and look at the dark forest. No light to be seen.

I soon end up sleep on the rock.

3rd person's POV
Little after Teddy went to sleep a truck drove passed the Forest's edge. The driver threw out his cigar out the window and it fell in a pile of dry leaves near the forest.

Those leaves soon caught on fire and moved closer towards the trees. Eventually they got to the tress and only got father and father into the forest.

Teddy's POV
I woke up to a slight smell of smoke. I opened my eyes and saw fire burning leaves in the trees. I got up quickly to my feet and ran. I didn't know where I just ran.

'Where do I go? Where's my car? Wait! Winter's in the same forest!' I thought. I ran towards where she ran earlier and tried to find her pack's cave before the fire reached them.

I soon found a cave with the fire right behind it. I ran there and went in. It was filled with smoke. I started to cough but I kept on like looking around.

I then saw something on the ground. I look at it and saw it was Winter. I look at her and saw she was injured. I scooped her up in my arms and ran out of the cave.

I saw some tree branches were falling some even fell on some of the wolves. I saw a wolf follow me but soon fall by a branch. I stop and look back at him.

"Go. Take care of my Winter for me please." He says with tears in his eyes. I nod and run.

I felt awful leaving them behind but I had too. Soon I reached the edge of the forest and saw firefighters there. I fall to my knees with Winter still in my arms.

Men gathered around me and Winter. They took Winter to a paramedics and I followed them in my car.

When I got to the hospital I was told to wait in the waiting room. I decided to call Issac and Annalise to say that I'm here and to come.

Twenty minutes later the arrived.

"Teddy why did you go to the forest tonight. It's dangerous especially what happened tonight." Annalise says. I simply shrug.

"And what about the forest. Is it still there is did it all burn?" I ask. Both Annalise and Issac look down.

"They could only save a few trees before it all burned." Issac says.

"Oh no." I say. "How will I yell Winter that. So nothing survived?" I ask.

"They still need to look but there's not a big chance there is anything still alive." Annalise says.

"Um friends Winter Frost?" A doctor asks.

"That's us. How is she?" I say.

"Well she has been injured quite badly. She has three bruised ribs, one broken rib, a mild concussion, and has trouble breathing. And also tell me is she a science experiment?" The doctor says.

"No, why?" I say.

"Because she has animal ears and a tail." The doctor says.

I just shrug hoping he wouldn't ask anymore questions.

"Can we go see her?" Annalise asks.

"Unfortunately no. We still need to give her medications before anyone can see her. Do you know her parents?" The doctor says.

"Um she was orphaned so my parents took her in." I lied.

"Oh well then I will need someone to sign papers." He says.

"I'm 18 can I sign them?" I ask.

"Yes here. Give them to the front desk when your done." He says and with that he hands me papers and leaves.

We go back and sit down in the waiting room. I start to fill out the papers as Issac and Annalise start to talk.

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