Chapter 2- Small steps

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Teddy's POV
"What was that? You could've killed it." Issac says snaking the back of my head.

"I....don't know what happened." I say. Issac just sighs. "Let's just go back to the apartment. Its not like it'll be the end of the world." He says. I nod and we go back to the truck.

Who was that girl? And why could she transform? Why couldn't I shoot her?

Winter's POV
I wake up on the floor and feel something wrapped my arm. I sit up and see my father in front of my adding sticks to the fire.

"Father?" I ask as I go close to him.

"Winter, how do you feel?" He asks.

"Fine, but what happened?" I ask.

"You passed out when you reached the cave saying there were hunters. The pack went on lock down and Shadow wrapped your arm to stop the bleeding." Father says not looking at me.

"Father did I do anything bad? You aren't looking me?" I ask.

"Winter you did nothing wrong. It was I who did something bad." Father says.

"I don't understand. What did you do that you can't look at me?" I ask. He sighs and a moment of silence overwhelms us. "Father?" I ask breaking the silence.

"I'm sorry, I should have never let you go. You could've died out there." Father says.

"Father, it's not your fault. I asked to go and I got hurt. There's no one to blame but me." I say. He glaces at me for a second then turns away.

"Just promise me you'll never leave me." Father says. "I promise." I say.

The next day....
Teddy's POV
"Ted, Ted get the hell up!" Issac yells at me.

"Wha? What time is it?" I ask as I rub my eyes."

"It's nine. Class starts in half in hour so get up." He says as he throws a pillow at me.

I sigh and get up. I get dressed and Issac and I head to our college.

Later that day....
Winter's POV
I run to the thicken of the trees of the forest. After a few miles I stop and look around. It's the river. I bend over and cup my hands to catch water and wash my face.

I shake the water off and then look around. I sit on a near by rock and look at the trees across the river.

"What now?" I ask myself. I hear birds behind me chirping.

I look down at my pendent my mother gave to me when I was three. It was a piece of silver with a snowflake in graved in it.

"Fireflies glow like a thousands charms. Stay with me and you can dream forever right her in my arms tonight." I softly sing to myself.

Mother use to sing to my brothers and I this lullaby. When she died when I was 5 I always remembered that song.

"You have a beautiful voice ya know." A voice says in back of me.

I turn and see the hunter from yesterday. He comes close and I turn back into a wolf and back away.

Teddy's POV
She backs away as I move forward.

"No, I won't hurt you. I promise." I say as I kneel down and hold out my hand.

She stops and turns back in human but she still has her wolf ears and tail.

"I'm Teddy, do you have a name?" I say. She nods.

"Winter Frost. But Winter just is fine." She says.

"Nice to see your not scared of me. Sorry bout yesterday. My roommate is a real idiot." I say.

"Your hunters?" She asks. I nod and her ears flatten and she backs away.

"No, I won't hurt you." I say. She stops and looks at me.

"How can I trust you?" She asks.

"Just please. I won't hurt you." I say as I hold out my hand and she looks at me.

I get her hand and she jerks it away. I look at her and she looks at me. Her beautiful eyes filled with confusion and caution.

She hesitantly gets my hand and I help her up.

"Sorry I guess I'm just scared." She says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Your a hunter and I'm a wolf. And my mother died from hunters." She says as she looks down.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." I say. She looks at me and gives me a half smile.

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