Chapter 5-Bear attack

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Winter's POV
I get back to the pack's cave just before the sunset. I see no one accept my younger brothers Chase and Ryder.

"Winter!" They yell and run up to me.

I hug them and and say "Where's the pack?"

"They're out hunting food supply is running low." Chase says.

"They'll be back by night fall." Ryder says. I nod and look at the sky and see it's almost night.

"We've returned." I hear the Alfa say. "Hello boys, Winter we missed you today at lunch." He says.

"I'm sorry I was caught up with something." I lie. He only nods and goes to the rest of the pack.

Father comes to the fire place and starts to add sticks to it. "Tell me Winter where were you today?" Father asks.

"Um, just running and I wasn't aware of the time." I lie again my ears droop and I hold my tail.

I see father's eyes glance at me. "Winter why do you lie to me when it is obvious." Father says.

"I'm not lying." I insist.

Father looks at me straight in the eye not blinking. I do the same but blink five seconds later. Father laughs.

"I've cornered you. Now tell me where were you?" He says.

I have to tell him. But he'll get mad. The last thing I want is to have father disappointed in me.

"Well...I'm waiting for an answer Winter." Father says.

"I....saw the same hunter as yesterday and he took me to" I say quietly and softly.

"He did WHAT?! And you agreed?! You know what happened to your mother do you want to have the same future as her?!" Father yells loud enough the the whole pack to hear.

"Coal is everything OK?" The Alfa asks.

Father only nods and grabs my arm and drags me out if the cave. He throws me to the ground and circles me.

"How could you? You know they are not friends. They are not pack they will kill you for sure." Father says.

"But Teddy and-" I get cut off by father. "Teddy? Teddy?! You know the hunters name?!" He yells. I simply nod. "Well 'Teddy' and his friends plan to kill us one by one. They are hunters they will never change. And you should know-" I cut him off this time.


"You do not talk back to me Winter. And if your so called 'kind people' are so kind then go. If you want to be with him then go." Father says pointing away from the cave.

I look at him in disbelief. "Fine." I say and run.

Coal's POV
I see Winter change to wolf form and run. What have I done? No. She's my only daughter and I just kicked her out. I change as well and run after her but soon loose her.

"WINTER! WINTER! I DIDN'T MEAN IT! I REALLY DIDN'T!" I yell hoping she could hear me.

Hours later....
I stop at a tree to catch my breath and I change back to human form.
'Why did I have to do that? Why am I such an idiot? I just wish that you my love were here. Summer why did you leave me?' I thought as I hold my pendent close.

"I'm sorry Winter. I didn't mean it." I whisper to myself as a single tear falls down my cheek.

I hear the brushes in front of me rustle. I look up and see eyes staring at me.

"Winter?" I say my voice filled with hope.

But I was wrong. The thing came out of the bushes and I could see clearly it was a bear. It roared and I change into wolf form and ran. I could see it run after me.

"Oh no." I say to myself.

I soon grow tried but I keep running. I start to slow down too much that the bear started to run faster.

It eventually jumps on me and holds me down. It's claw hit my arm leaving a red cut. I prepare myself for the worst but soon it gets off of me. I jump to my feet and see some wolf on the bear. And that wolf is......WINTER!

I see she bites and claws at the bear and soon she gets thrown off and hits a tree. She changed back to human form and I see the bear leave and I run up to Winter who is out cold.

I change back to human form and kneel down next to her. I see many cuts on her arms, legs and face. I check for pulse and thankful she's still alive.

I pick her up in my arms and take her back to the pack's cave. Shadow takes care of Winter's cuts and injuries. She has a few bruised ribs, a slight concussion and obviously many cuts and bruises. This is my fault is I haven't been so hard on her then none of this would've happened.

It's true I know next to nothing about people all I know is that they hunt and kill animals and they are the reason that Summer's gone. But maybe they have changed. I mean I use to be a wolf who just didn't care and now I'm a father to eight.

I'm not sure right now. All I want is for Winter to get better. That's all I want.

I look down at the burning ashes bounce around the fire. Soon enough the pack calls it a night and we fall asleep.

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