So what does the fox say, Foxx?

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"Yeah i'm sorry Athena but i really think you should leave." I say bitterly cause of the things i'm seeing. That girl dog is currently flirting with every single one of my best friends. I should've known. Seeing my real friends uncomfortable is one thing but seeing the whole purpose of little she-dog here is just nerve popping. "But why Krist?" She says, trying to sound 'offended' yeah right. "Just leave." I see the three nodding in approval as i said those words. "Fine. Have it your way." She goes away and sits at Rigita's side. Yeah, i couldn't care less. The boys sigh and i can see the relief in their eyes. I giggled. "How was the torture boys?" I smile slyly. James looks at me angrily. "You knew all along!" I smiled slyly again. "What if i did but i was too busy taking in the fact that i had just been used again but i couldn't care less?" They look at me grimly as if realizing that i was hurt but i am not. "Guys i swear. I don't want anything to do with her and i never will.

"Hello piggy." Poop. It's him. I feel a surge of hatred running through my veins as i turn around to see him. Jeremy. He's looking as handsome as ever but i can just see his attitude rotting. "Hello poopface." He laughed evilly and i just hate it. "Poor ol' piggy. Still the weakling you are huh?" This is the part when blake pushes him.

"Back off sh**face." I chuckle cause he said the word i didn't want to say. I held him back since i know for a fact that he might cause a fight that may or may not leave big scars. But too late. "Who asked you to join the conversation *^%#%@?" I push him away from Blake. "Jeremy just go away. Mind your own business and leave me and my friends be." He chuckles and gives me a sly smile. "But i can't piggy. It's just because i'm gonna be toured by you." He points at me with his middle finger. "And who said i would do that?"  He comes near me. Well too near that i could feel his breath against my skin.

"Back off girl." Aron. The boys and their strategies of being killed. "And who are you?" Aron nears us. "I and these guys here are your worst nightmares unless you stop hurting our friend here." How can i just be standing here without doing anything? What kind of a friend am i? I push Jeremy away.

"I told you to stop." He holds a hand up as if to say 'wait' "wait hun, i'm dealing with these 'friends' of yours." I go near him and breath against him. "Well these friends of mine are just protecting me from a vile person like you. Now tell me why you need ME to guide YOU oh mighty one?" He leans forward and i don't breathe. "Because i like you." We stop and stare at each other, shocked at the phrase. I can't believe i did not push him away. And then he smirks at me "to tour me." He then laughs. That jerk. I stop and stare at him in disbelief. "Hah. You actually thought i'd fall for you PIGGY?" I smirk at him and lean closer so we're so close to each other's faces. "I didn't cause i KNOW Jer-bear." If you ask me, i'd tell you that that was just to make him tease me more or make him annoyed but i didn't expect what happened next.

He turns his head nervously and gasps a curse word. I blush. I hate the fact that i blushed because of my bully. I defy that thought. "Stop it Jeremy." An unfamiliar voice from the left side says.

Jeremy lets go of me and i exhaled in relief. I saw a tall brunette with an absolutely built body but not in a scary way, but in a H-word Way. I don't know who this amazing looking guy is but i swear i've seen him before.

"What's the matter Dylan?" Jeremy pushes Dylan and i can already feel the intensity. Dylan? I haven't heard of the name in my whole life. "Get. Your. Stinky. Hands. Off. Her." Who is this guy and why is he so over protective? I glance at the boys' direction and i can see that they already like this 'Dylan' and defy Jeremy. "Since when did you have a say in whatever i'm doing with my life?" Dylan shoots me a concerned look that can make anyone fall in one second but i didn't fall for it. I'm not so stereotypical "Just get away from her." I've had enough of this. I walk between the two guys and push them both away from each other. I clear my throat to lessen the tension.

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