Yeah. A party without chicks. Way to go Krista.

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I stand there nervously as i see the three approaching Jeremy. I hold them back "Guys are you sure you're gonna do this?" They nod at each other and give me reassuring looks. "Fine. Good luck then." They walk towards Jeremy and punched him right in the nose so hard. All together. I can see the shock in poor Jeremy's face. He looks at me and grabs his bloody nose. "What the hell?!" He yells at the three. James steps in and looks at him from top to bottom with an intimidating aura. "Don't you what the hell us missy. We know what you've done and we're not gonna let you ever do it again." He backs away. "I was just saying sorry to Krista" He rushes to the clinic and I chase after him.

I shout at the top of my lungs "what do you think my reaction will be with all that?!" He stops and I stop too. He exhales and looks at me wearily "I was just saying sorry Krista. I really was. But I guess you won't forgive me. So i'm gonna continue what i'm doing and go on with my life." I can feel my sympathy coursing through my veins but I stop myself. "You cannot just walk into my life, harass me, and ask me for forgiveness Peters. You never felt sorry for me back when I was Piggy were you? And now after you've made my childhood miserable, you're gonna continue making me miserable now? I'm sorry I gotta go."

James smiles and pumps his fist in the air. "You go girl!" Aron jumps "in his ugly face!" And Blake, in my surprise hugs me which makes my cheeks feel warm and red. "Yes! I knew you had it in you!" and then he lets go, suddenly realizing his mistake. "Oops i'm sorry. Uh..." I laugh and pat him on the head. "Don't worry Blakie." He smiles and we head out of the school.

Aron's tummy grumbles and i laugh. "Guys i'm hungry! And i have no money!" We all look at each other and nod. I can feel a surge of adrenaline in my body as I rush to James's car. I came in 2nd James is 1st Aron 3rd (thank goodness) and Blake 4th. Looks like i'm gonna get free food for a while.

We pig out cause we know that Blake is a rich kid and he won't mind. I sigh and take a look at them one by one "I love you guys so much." At this statement, they all perked up and stopped eating. One by one they say "We love you too." And go back to eating. I know it may sound awkward for three guys to say that to a girl but who cares? We're friends! Guys like them are supposed to be appreciated you know? "You guys have done so much to me and in return.... Party?" They once again perk up at the last word. "Don't expect many people. Just friends. Much like a gathering y' know?" They exchange silent conversations which probably meant "yep. A party without chicks. Way to go Krista." I giggle at the thought. They say "G!" In unison which means 'game!' And I give them a thumbs up.

If you were to ask me; i'd say that this whole party thing is a bad idea. I mean, i'm a rich kid and all but my parents are very strict and the thought of me with three guys partying? Nope. Somehow I managed to prepare though. Luckily, my mom and dad are in L.A. Doing businessman business and they won't go home until tomorrow so I better hurry up. I bought sodas,beer (light), chips, pizza,and ice cream and set them on the table by the pool. (Yes, we do have an awesome pool)

Ding dong

Here goes nothing. "Hi guys! Ready?" They look around the living room as if thinking 'where's the party at?' But I lead them to the pool outside. James whistles and Aron whistles too. Typical bromance right there people. "So swim or eat first?" They grin and nod affirmingly at each other. "Both." They say in unison. They take off their shirts and dive into the pool and I gotta say, they look rocking with their abs. Not that I was checking them out... I on the other hand am wearing a bikini with a white beach almost see through spaghetti dress to avoid... Stuff.

I am kinda feeling insecure cause of the bikini. I mean; i'm built and all but I pig out alot and they're all boys. I was about to run to the pool when an unknown number texts me.

Unknown: hey, i see you're having a gathering.. Mind if i join in?

I freaked out. How can this person know? So i did the usual hacking and traced the person's location. He's only outside my house. Creepy.

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