(CandlePunk) The Cleansing - @jewel1307

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A note from Ooorah as requested by the author.

This was originally going to be a much longer piece, in fact it is a much longer piece. This is merely a preview, however, of that upcoming work so watch jewel1307's space. We here at Ooorah are most definitely waiting with our respective breath's bated...

You know how you get the feeling that everything's going too smoothly? Too perfectly for something not to go wrong?

What we didn't take into consideration were the effects the tests would have on something innocuous. How could we have known it would lead to the destruction of everything we've taken for granted for centuries?

Month old cars, brand spanking, straight out of the factory new, sit abandoned, nothing left beneath the pristine paintwork but scraps of plastic and fabric. And it's not the only thing to suffer the effects of accelerated corrosion. Everything in the city that has a metallic content is the same, or worse. Iron, tin, steel, copper, even silver, have all succumbed to it.

Millions have died already through building and bridge collapses. We lost water and electricity a couple of weeks ago. Communications went down the day after. Everything is falling apart. I mean everything. If it has nails, screws or bolts holding it together, it is no longer functional.

Rust, thought to be an insentient pseudo morph, the result of oxidisation and weathering of metals like steel and iron, appears to have become something more. Alive. Insatiable. Breeding. Feeding with a ferocity that will see its food source depleted before the year ends.

What then? What happens when metal is gone?

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