Chapter 1: How it begin

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"killua ,ohayou~" Gon runs towards his best friend who was waiting for him in front of his house like usual. Gon jumps and hugs him,they hadn't seen each other for a whole week because Gon has to help Mito- san at home.Killua didn't expect Gon to hug him so he stumble backwards with Gon on top of him .

killua blushes madly upon realizing their current position, he quickly pushes Gon off him. "It only been one week, and it is your fault that the school was closed."

"Hey! killua, it's you who the one who exploded the school lab and a week seems so long,I want to spend every moment with you," Gon said the last part with a bright smile, there's no hint of embarassment on his face like it is the most normal thing to say.

Killua's eye twitched a little but blushes even deeper than possible at Gon last sentences, "Baka! Stop saying such embarassing thing," he smacked Gon's head making Gon yelp a little in pain.

Killua almost regretted his action after seeing Gon pain expression.Almost is the keyword. Instead of being upset,Gon decided to tease killua "But I don't want to, I love seeing how cute killua face was when I'm saying embarassing things," and that earn him another smacked on his face.Gon runs after killua who was walking ahead so that Gon won't see his blushing face.

Killua POV

Just when we arrived at hunter high, all those fangirls began to surrounding us, mostly me though cause Gon's fangirls always prefer to put their chocolate in his locker instead of chasing him around until he accepts their chocolate.Damn, how could I forgot that today is valentine day!? Sure, getting chocolate is great but these girls are annoying beside I already like someone else...

I mentally sigh heavily thinking about that, guess it is just one-sided love,there no way the person will love me that way right?

I took the chocolates which made the girls squeal loudly, upon seeing this chance I quickly drag Gon out of the crowd before any of the girls could noticed.

Time skip ( recess) normal POV

Killua and Gon walk to the table where Kurapika and Leorio are sitting , holding their lunchbox. They noticed that something odd was happening, they were laughing and talking so nicely with each other instead of argueing like an old married couple killua used to teased them.

"what up with you two today, did both of you lost your mind of something ?" Killua eyed them suspiciously.

Kurapika and Leorio's eyes twitched at killua's word but decided to let it slide."we're couple now," leorio grin widely while kurapika blushes faintly. Killua and Gon gape like a fish trying to process the new information. "I confess my love to kurapika and he accepted my feeling just three days ago," Leorio add. "Great, we're very happy for both of you !" Gon smiles happily, it takes like forever for both of them to admit their feeling for each other even though it's very obvious for everyone.

As they began to eat, Gon suddenly brought his chopstick to killua's mouth "Killua, say aaa~" killua could fell his face burnt "God, you don't have to feed me it's embarassing,"

"But killua, I just want to share my lunch with you beside the food mito-san is really good ," killua stared at Gon puppy eyes he couldn't say no to thase eyes, no one else can though. " Fine..." Killua open his mouth letting Gon feed him while trying to keep a straight face. "I thought that we're the one who's in relationship but you two are the one who acting more like a couple though," Kurapika can't help but tease them which result killua to choke on his food.

Suddenly, a girl call for Gon so he excused himself from the table and approaches the girl.He knows the girl since she is killua biggest fan, her name is karin. Killua always says that she is annoying "you're killua-sama best friend right?"Gon simply nodded as answer. "Can you do me a favour and pour this in his drink?" She handed him a bottle filled some sort of pink liquid.

"What's this ?" He eyed the bottle of liquid as if it is poisonous. "Don't worry it's not anything poisonous, in fact it is love potion,"Karin replied as if she can read his mind . "If killua-sama drinks this he will fall in love with the first person he see, I'll just have to make sure he sees me first, I'm genius!" Karin seems to lost in her own fantasies and began to talk and laugh to herself.

"But don't killua has to choose who he love?" This doesn't seem right. Gon feels bad to do something like that to killua and thinking of killua fall in love with karin make his heart clenched painfully.You probably already figured it out by now, yep Gon is in love with his best friend.

"He'll learn to love me as time pass, I mean I'm rich, beautifull and clever,I have all men wants in a woman. Well , the potion only effective for 1 weeks and he'll forget all about what happen in the week so if he doesn't love me then it not a big deal right?"

"Yeah..."Gon already decided, he can't be selfish.Who know, maybe killua will love karin.Gon wants Killua to be happy even if it not him who're making him happy.

Gon made his way back to the table holding the bottle in his hand. "Hey Gon what that?"Killua ask as he stare at the bottle curiously. "Er-nothing just a drink for myself," on second thought Gon decided that he won't make killua drinks that potion but in a blink, killua snatches the bottle out off his hands. Before Gon could take the potion back, killua already drank all of the potion.

"ugh..." killua groan lowly holding his head, Gon quickly run to his side , his face full of concern. "killua, daijoubu?"suddenly, killua open his eyes looking up at Gon .Without any warning he pulls Gon forward and kisses him on the cheek "I love you ~" Gon blushes faintly.

"Aw~so cute,"the whole cafeteria can't help but aw-ing at the cute scene that happen before their eyes while Karin runs away crying "It should have been me!"

After that , they were summoned to the principal Bisky's office.After explaining the whole story, Karin was punished anyway for making that love potion. " Okay as much as I love to see you two are so lovely dovey, killua stop kissing him already, you've been kissing him nonstop for 5 minutes!"

Killua pulls away from Gon but leaning over him again. "killua," Bisky warns him but instead of pulling away, he keeps leaning in even closer everytime she said his name as of he is challenging her. "stop," their noses are now touching and their lips was dangerously close to each other, killua action makes Gon blushes harder "NOW!" as she finishes her sentences killua once again claim Gon's , hands on the back of his neck pulling him even closer."Get out!" Bisky kicks them out of her office before Killua could go any further. "Oh and Gon made sure to stay with him untill he returns normal okay?"

"Hai!" After all it's kind of his fault as well that killua turns out like this .


Okay that's all for now . I'm new on wattpad so. Please provide guidance and I'm really appreciate for whom spending their time to read this

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