Extra Chapter*Christmas Special*

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Before I started, special thanks to Mylovekillua and erzascarlet2001 for the information about Christmas since I never celebrate Christmas before so I hope it will turn out to be good.

Gon's POV

"Hm....," I rubbed my eyes slowly but made no move to wake up.I don't know why but the bed feels so cold and there's something warm beside me so I reach out my hand and pulled the figure closer into my embrace, letting myself enjoy the soft and warm feeling.

"Er...G-Gon?"Killua's voice brought me out of the dreamland,I open my eyes, letting it adjust with the sudden brightness for a minute and I can see Killua's blue eyes staring at me,his face flushed bright pink.It takes me a moment to realized that I was hugging killua. "Ah,sorry killua It just that you're so warm," I said while I taking my arms off him.

But then killua suddenly pulled me into a hug "Idiot...I'm just surprised,It's not like I don't like it...,"Killua muttered but still loud enough for me to hear it,his face flushed even more than possible while he buried his face in my chest, somehow I feel it's very cute whenever he tried to be honest but easily get embarrassed by it.

"Hehehe,Killua is so cute,"I said as I hug him tighter,burying my face in his soft,fluffy white hair. "Idiot,don't said such an embarrassing things,"I can't help but giggled a little,I love to see him blushes whenever I said something embarrassing.

Third Person POV

"Ahem,I don't want to disturb you two being lovey dovey but aren't it rude to not greet your guest?" Bisky stands at the door way while leaning on the wall,facing them.Her arms crossed in front of her chest while she had a small smile on her face. "Bisky!!!" They both break apart and back away from each other rather too fact which cause Gon to bump his head on the wall and Killua fall off the bed.

"Ouch...what are you doing here Bisky?" Gon ask her while rubbing his head. "Oh,your aunt,Mito invited me to the Christmas party," Bisky explained. "Christmas party?" Killua asked after getting up from the floor. "Eh, you never celebrate Christmas before Killua?" Gon asked kinda shocked.

"If my dad come into my room at night dressing as Santa Claus and tried to kill me count as celebrating Christmas, then yes I celebrate Christmas before," Gon and Bisky sweatdrop when they heard Killua explanation.

"Ah, Killua look It's snow!" Gon run to the window followed by Killua behind him and they saw all of the ground was covered with snow and so are the trees,it looks like everything was coated with vanilla icing. "Lets go build a snowman killua!" Gon said as he ran out of the room excitedly. It hardly snow here so they never get to see snow in real life which is why they are so excited.

Killua and Gon begin to build a snowman which is bigger than them, Killua is fixing the snowman body while Gon is making its head. Gon lift up the snowman's head and place it on the body carefully but then it fell on Killua's head,making it seem like Killua has the head of the snowman.

"Ah,sorry killua!" Gon try to apologize but then a snowball was thrown in his face. "Ahahaha,payback!" Killua begin to laugh as he saw Gon's priceless expression.

"Hey, No fair Killua! I already said sorry,"Gon yelp as he throw a snowball at Killua's direction. "Haih, these boys can't be even more childish,"Bisky sigh,shaking her head lightly as she smiled gently but then a snowball that was supposed to hit killua hit her directly in the face.Tick mark appear and soon enough she throw a giant size snowball to their direction.

"Yo Gon,Killua- argh!" Leorio and kurapika who just arrived walk up to them but then poor Leorio was hit by the giant snowball that was aimed at Killua and Gon but they dodge it so it hit him instead. Kurapika chuckled as he saw the four of them begin to throw snowball at each other and then Leorio suddenly throw a snowball at his face.Soon enough kurapika join in and they all begin to start a snowball fight.

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