Chapter 2 : shopping

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Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiing !!!
Gon was woken up by the sound of his alarm clock. He yawn a little, stretching his arm.

I woke up from my deep sleep.I had a weird dream last night,Killua fall in love with me because of the love potion. Even though it just a dream, I can't help but blush a little remember the part where killua kiss me and told me that he love me.Suddenly, I noticed Killua is in my room, sleeping in my bed with me.

I sweatdrop after I saw the broken window, killua must had broken into my room through the window to sleep with me last night.

No one Pov
Gon decided to enjoy the moment as Killua buried his face in Gon's shoulder,making himself comfortable.He brushes the silver hair out of his face,caress the other pale cheek with long finger " will. you ever love me if not because of the love potion, killua?" he said in a sad tone, tears threatening to fall.

" what wrong, Gon ?" killua ask when he woke up and saw sadness in Gon's eyes. "ah,nothing just something got into my eyes,let go downstairs nee," Gon climb off his bed and head to his door.


"hmm?"Gon turns his head to Killua only to have killua pulled him into a quick kiss. "race you there," killua pulled away and grin mischievously,running out of the room leaving Gon stunned on his spot."hey killua, not fair!" Gon ran after killua after realizing what happened.Killua may be under the love potion effect but he is still killua though.

Mito-san was preparing breakfast when she saw Gon and Killua ran into the kitchen."Gon, you didn't tell me that killua came to visit ," "when did you arrive?" after several question asked, Gon began to explained to her about the whole story from beginning. "oh,don't worry killua, you are welcome to stay with us as long as you want,"after all mito-san already think killua as her own family beside those two are really happy when they are together. "I'm gonna prepare breakfast so you two go take shower first," Mito -san added.

"okay,did you bring your clothes with you killua?" killua shakes his head"nope, but I brought my chocorobot with me," killua pointed at boxes of chocorobot in the kitchen and Gon can't help but think how come he didn't noticed it. "well, I still have your clothes last time you spend your night here but It won't be enough for a whole week and your house is too far away so I guess we'll have to do some shopping later," Gon pulled out a familiar blue turtle neck shirt, a white v neck shirt and a pair of shorts.

"When I count till 10,you both better better already in the bathroom,1...2....3...." as she began to count,Gon and killua began to rush into the bathroom bringing along towels and their clothes.

Killua and Gon both relax themself in the warm water and and they help each other to wash their back, it's been awhile since the last bath together, it always fun with killua by his side.

They walk into the kitchen after they're done with their morning chores, mito-san already prepare pancakes for them and Gon grandma smiles sweetly at them as she saw them,
" mito-san,can we go out for awhile?" Gon asked.

"Sure, just make sure both of you come back before dinner," Mito-san replied sweetly.

They head out to shopping mall after finish their breakfast,it took them a whole half an hour for them to arrive. They walk directly to the clothes shop ignoring all the stares that they received as they walked pass.

" can I help you sir?" the cashier smiles sweetly while looking at Gon.'Oh my gosh, these two are the most attractive guys I've ever seen in my life!" she seems to like Gon more because he is more friendly while she is a little afraid of killua because he is giving her death glare. "oh I was wondering where I could find suitable clothes for my-" "Boyfriend,"killua cut Gon off,feeling annoyed that she is obviously trying to flirt with Gon and Killua really don't how she looks at his Gon, yup his only.

"Er-you mean it like he is your male friend right?" She was shocked but asked him hoping that it is just her who misunderstood his word. "Nope, I mean Boyfriend, in a romantic way," Killua stressed out them word boyfriend and as to prove his point, he pulled Gon into a quick kiss.Gon blushes faintly as killua kiss him and they are in public."There, you believe me now?"

"Hai! you can those in the corner." as soon as she finish her sentences, killua drags Gon to the corner that the cashier pointed at. Not long after that, another female chashier come whisper ecxitedly to her while pointing at Gon and killua direction. "look, doesn't they look cute together?"

"but..."the chashier said sadly,if they are together that there won't be any chance for her to be with either one of them.

"There're still a lot of fish in the ocean, look at them they are madly in love with each other." She cheers up her friend, the chashier look at Gon who hold up a few of clothes and Killua would complaint now and there but try on it anyway. She giggled a little, agreeing with her friend.They really made a cute couple.

when they went to the counter to pay for the clothes, they have to admit their are very suprised when they saw her happy expression.She looks like she was heart broken when Killua kiss Gon and now she was happy as if she was in a fangirl mode.

As soon as they arrived at mito-san home, they immediatly collapsed on the bed feeling extremly tired, they can fight perfectly fine for hours but shopping is just not for them, how can girls enjoy shopping so much anyway.

"Gon,Killua, time for dinner... " Mito-san walked into the room but she dicided to wake them up later when she saw them cuddled against each other, a small happy smile on both of their face. She can't help but snaps a few pictures to put in her photo album before covers their bodies with blankets so they won't catch a cold.

"maybe I should make a killugon fan club..." she says to herself while walking out of them room, a loving smile form on her lips.

to be continue
okay end of chapter 2.
I finish this really, really early in the morning. okay, thanks for reading and those who vote and comment on the first chapter. Arigatou XD

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