Chapter 4 : Planning A Date !?

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Killua and Gon woke up in the morning as usual then go to the bathroom to do their morning chores and to the kitchen to have breakfast.Then they just sit down on the couch in the living room watching television since there was nothing much for them to do.

As they are watching some kind of romance movie till the part where the couple went on a date "Hey killua, want to go on a date ?" Gon suddenly ask, the question makes killua blushes faintly and he nodded his head a little.

"Great ! Er... Then I'll be going out I have something to do first.I'm going take a long time.we'll go on a date in the tomorrow okay?" as soon as he finished his answer, Gon quickly rushed out of the house, didn't bother to wait for killia to answer. 'I need some advice,' that is what running in Gon's mind at the moment he rushed out of the house.

At kurapika's and Leorio's dorm room( yep, they're roommate)

"Leorio!Kurapika!I need help!" Gon entered the room as soon as he kicked down the door, didn't wait for them to open the door.Leorio was drinking coffee while Kurapika was reading a book.Correction, leorio is now splling coffee in Kurapika's face as soon as Gon kicked the door down.

"What wrong Gon?" Kurapika ask while wiping his face with a napkin.The last time Gon kick down their dorm room door is when he confused about his feeling for Killua.

" Finally you are going to take him on a date, I feel like it's only yesterday that you ask us about love and now look at you ! You've grown up and going up on a date.I'm so proud of you!"Leorio said while wiping the tears at the corner of his eyes, acting like a parent seeing his only son finally grown up.

"Now you're acting like an old man," Kurapika said but he is also trying his best to hold his tears.

"But don't you went on a date with palm before?"Thay both finally ask as they are being able to control their emotion.

"Yeah but this is different, I want to make it special cause it is a first date with the one I deeply care and love..." Gon said as he turns his head slowly to the side, his face become bright red.

"Fufufu, so Ringo-chan is turning into a ripe fruit then hm~" the three of them heard a voice that obviously didn't belong to them. Then, a certain red- haired suddenly jumped down from tjeir ceiling.

"Hisoka !? What are you doing here !"There is no other than the infamous creepy senior, Hisoka.

"Hm~I was just passing by and accidentally heard your conversation so I decided that I wanna help Ringo- chan with his problem." He speaks in a tone that sent shiver down their spine.

"Oi!!!what you mean with passing by this is our room !!! Okay nevermind that, Gon just take him to somewhere fancy and expensive." kurapika and Hisoka gives him a weird look.

"Well Ringo-chan it don't have to be expensive, just have to make sure that you two enjoy the night..." Kurapika nodded his head, totally agrees with Hisoka " Just imagine how hot killua would look as he blushes madly and pants heavily while screaming your name underneath you as you continue to thrust roughly into- " Gon face turns red as he tries to pictures what Hisoka said.But before Hisoka could finishes his whole sentence, he received Kurapika's kick in his face which send him flying to the wall.

"Don't you dare ruining Gon's mind with your pervert thought you pervert clown!"
"Gon don't listen to those idiot, ( Leorio and Hisoka : Hey!!!).
all you have to do is make it special,"Kurapika said and suddenly Leorio come in between the two of them.

"That's why you have to go to fancy and expensive restaurant,nothing is more special than that!"

"Fufufu~It obvious that you guys knew nothing about love.What is more special than spending the night together make love hm~Ringo-chan ? Imagine killua screaming your name and begging you to stop teasing and just put it in so you can slammed into him really rough and hard that he won't be able to walk the next morning." Now Gon blushes really hard this time and his nose is now bleeding as he try to picture it and this time Hisoka received Leorio's punch in the face that send him flying to the wall again.

"Gon, don't listen to the pervert creepy clown.I'm sure anywhere would be special if you two are together if you two are together even if it is at the drain or even beside the garbage dump.By the way don't use the example, you have to pick somewhere special."

" So you mean wherever the place we go, as long as we're together will make it feels special but at the same time
I have to choose a special place?" steams begin to come out of Gon's ears as he continue to think harder.

"You don't have to think that hard you know," Kurapika sweatdrop seeing steams coming out of Gon's ears. " You could just go to amusement park or zoo maybe even see a movie together or you could plan something sweet and simple like picnic and end it up with a sweet kiss on his cheek.

"Or maybe something expensive like fancy restaurant, buy him a necklace or a bouquet of roses or a romantic date like star grazing just the two alone, late night looking at the starry night and after that you could give him a quick peck on the lips and you guys can walk home together while holding hand," This time it's Leorio turn to suggest.

"Or maybe you two can go to the love hotel and spent your first night together doing dirty things and give him sexy costumes as a gift and simply serve him breakfast on the bed as an apology fir doing him too hard last night~" This one is obviously from no other that hisoka.

"Erm..... Ah it's already 4. 35
p.m. I've to go now.Thanks for the advice !" Gon rushed out of the room leaving the three of them.

"Well whose idea you think he will pick ?"

"Anyone's is okay as long as not Hisoka's,"

That's the end of this chapter I write it since I can't sleep last night
They'll go on a date on the next chapter XD
Hehehe I feel a little pervert writting about Hisoka's date idea 0///v /// 0
By the way for who those comment feel free to answer this : Whose date advice you love the most
1 kurapika
2 leorio
3 Hisoka.
Vote for them now * just write it at the end of your comment*
Okay, well then bye

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