Chapter 8 :Last Day

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There is a faint sound of birds chirping,dazzling sunlight shines through the window,making the room all bright.On the bed,Killua and Gon are still sleeping.The alarm clock that place on the bedside table show that it's now 12.35p.m.Soon Gon was awake because of the heat in the room.

Gon's POV

I moaned from the tapping sunlight against my face,wondered how long I have been sleeping,I blinked, shut my eyes then blinked again,finally manage to fully open my eyes.The room feel a little too hot,my shirt is a wet from my sweat,what time is it now anyway?

I look over Killua who's still sleeping peacefully by my side,a small smile slowly creep on my face as I caress his pale cheek.I climbed off the bed slowly trying to not wake killua up, he has been through a lot these few day so he deserve a rest.I get into the bathroom to take a shower. I turn on the shower,cold water hitting my body it feel so refreshing.

When I'm done taking a shower,I come out seeing killua's still asleep so I go downstairs to help Mito-san prepare the food but the my phone suddenly ring.I look at the screen and see Kurapika's name on it so I pick it up.

(The words in bold is their conversation on the phone)

"Hello Gon, I heard that you and killua got into an accident.Leorio and I are worried so I decided to call you to make sure everything is fine," I still can here a faint sound of Leorio voice behind kurapika.

"Ah, don't worry about it. We're fine now,"

"Oh, and Gon you know that today is the last day right?The love potion will lost it effect on Killua by midnight," Suddenly, Kurapika's words seem to hit me hard.The love Potion,how could I simply forgot about that.

"Uh-sorry kurapika I gotta go," I hand up before Kurapika could said something else.

So today is the day,huh? A week is finally over and now Killua won't be remember anything,then I will just only a friend again to him.I wonder after this day end, would Killua possibly mad at me when he find out about this whole week ? But killua is too kind, he would still be my friend but maybe things will just be awkward between us.

I'm too caught in my though that I don't realized that Killua had woke up and come downstairs. "Gon...?" Killua's voice snap me out of my thought.I didn't even noticed that he is already standing in front of me.

"Ah, killua I don't know that you woke up,you want something for breakfast?"Killua shook his head as an answer.He yawned a little as he goes to take a shower.

"Gon,I heard that that potion will last until midnight right?Why don't you spend this whole day with Killua,"Mito-san suggested as she saw the expression on Gon's face brighten. "Erm, It's a good idea.Kurapika told me before about today, I'll go ask killua about it,thank you Mito-san,"

I run into the room to find killua, "Killua, do you wanna go on a date? You know since that date went wrong the other day," I saw killua' eyes widen in shock as first,"Sure!!!Ahem,I-I mean if you insist..."Killua crossed his hands in front of his chest as he turned to the side, his face is a bit of red.

"Good then, lets go,"I grabbed his hands and drag him out of the house. "Be careful,boys.Don't get into another accident," Mito-san called for them from inside of the house. "Okay, bye Mito-san,"

Third person POV

"So killua, where did you want to go first," Gon and killua are just simply walking on the street when Gon suddenly asked killua. "Huh,I thought you already plan all this!"Killua expression turn into shocked one, he don't really good at this kind of things so he expected Gon to be the one who lead the date.

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