Chapter 7 : Remember

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Killua's POV

I open my eyes slowly and everything is black.I let my eyes adjust with the darkness for awhile before take a quick glance at the alarm clock at the bedside table.It's 6:15 a.m....I woke up too early, it explained why the room is so dark.

I look over my side, Gon is not in the bed, where could he probably go this early in the morning anyway? I somehow can sense that there's something going on and I got the feeling that this can't be good. What if Gon is in danger? He lost his memory so he won't remember how to fight.

I run downstairs and i still can't find Gon anywhere in the house.I go into the living room and saw Mito-san and Gon's grandma lying on the floor.Thank goodness, they're still alive just unconscious but the question is who did this?

Suddenly, I could feel Gon's presence behind me, I turned around and saw him staring down at me but there's something wrong with him. His eyes, they're not the usual bright ember colour, instead it look gray and cold, his eyes momentarily lost the spark that I always adore, the emotion had left his beautiful eyes and replaced with a blank, completely emotionless.The chasm of life had drained out of his iris's. It was like staring at dead eyes of a corpse, lifeless.

"Miss me kil? " Then another figure appear behind him. Illumi, he's the one who did this ti Gon! "What do you want Illumi !" I hissed at him, I know that I'm still not strong enough to win against him but I'll have to try if this is what it takes to save him. "Kaa- san was worried because you didn"t come back home nearly a week so she told me to look after you to make sure that you're okay and it looks like you're with him....You love him don't you?" It's not exactly a question but more like a statement.

"But you don't really love him, he's just a toy to you and when you get bored of him, you'll throw him away like a broken toys," Killua said as he lean in closer so that I was staring directly into his eyes." No you're wrong! You know nothing about how I feel!" I yelp as I clenched my fist together at my side.

"Hm....then prove it. If you really love him then prove it to me.If you win then I will leave your friends alone but if you lost then you can't see them again," Illumi said as he stare at me.

"D-deal ," This deal is risky, if I lost then I never got to see Gon again but if I could win against him then I don't have to worry about Illumi or any of my other family members trying to kill Gon again.

"I'm not going to be the one who fight you but Gon will since he is in my control now," What, Gon!? Damn, there is no way that I wilk hurt Gon.He is trying to use my weakness against me.I'm too caught off guard that I didn't realized that Gon's already standing in front of me, He punch me in the stomach which cause me to coughed out a little bit of blood.

He continue to attack me non-stop while I try to dodge and block every attack that he sent. Then I turned my hand into claw and aimed for his heart but I stop immediately before my claw can even made any contact with his skin when I rememer that this is Gon that I'm fighting.

Gon take the chance to kick me at the side, sending me to a nearby wall, cracking it a bit in the process.He walks over to me and lift me up off the ground by gripping on my neck. "You're not my friend,'' he said while he tighted his grip on my neck .

I know that he is controlled by Illumi but it's still hurt though hraring the words come out of Gon's mouth."Go...n ..I kn-ow you're-still in'm your," I tried to speak as I started to feel light-headed due to the lacked of oxygen hoping that Gon can hear me.

"Kil-lu-a ...?" Gon muttered,he forrowed his eyesbrows as his grip on my neck loosing.I quickly pulled myself out of his grip and pin him on the wall. I pulled out Illumi's needle on Gon's neck and watch as his eyes turn back into normal .I manage to catch him before he completey fall on the floor.

"There I win now leave us alone," I said as I turned to Illumi with Gon in my arms. "Very welk then," after he said that, he disappered in a flash. I grab Gon and put him on the bed and I go to put Mito-san and Gon's grandma on their beds, they should probably wake up in a few hours.

Third Person POV( with Illumi)

Illumi walks home when suddenly Hisoka appear at beside him. "Hm~Somehow I get the feeling that you it on purpose," Hisoka said to Illumi while smirking. "So you have been watching all the time huh," Illumi turned to Hisoka with a hint of annoyed on his usual emotionless face.

"Family is not allowed to kill each other; even an assassin can't avoid love and kaa-san want a son-in-law anyway.So if I kill Gon then she might pair you up with me instead," said Illumi

"Hm~I don't see any problem with that though," Hisoka said while smirking at Illumi.

Killua's POV

"Hm...."Gon open his eyes slowly sitting up. " Gon, are you okay?" I asked as I saw him Woke up.He looks at me for a moment before pulling my into a hug. " Killua I remember now, I remember everything!"Tears of joys roll down my cheeks as I hug him back, Gon remember me again! Words can't describe how happy I am feeling right now.

"But how?"He asked as he pulled away." Well, I think it's because of Illumi's needle. His needle works with human"s brain so it must be somehow unseal the memory that locked away in your mind," For the first time, I necer feel more glad that Illumi used his needle. All happened today must have tired that I fall asleep without knowing it


Well that's all for this chapter. Thanks for reading and for the votes and all those lovely comment.If actually planning to write this two days later ( hehehe sorry I'm so lazy :-P ) but my sister insist me to write it today. Well hope you all have a nice day . Thanks for reading :-)

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