'He who must not be named'

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Remus POV:

As the 4 Death eaters snached my arms and dragged me outside, then we dissaperated, we found ourselves in a room where they tied me to a chair. "ARHHH" I screeched looking up to the lord of evil. Lord Voldemort.

Harry POV:

I'm not sure why but today I decided to have quite an early night today. as I went to bed I had a weird feeling inside of me but I took no notice of the feeling I felt. That night I had a bad dream/nightmare, and it was about Lupin. He was in a chair in the middle of a dark room with the spotlight on him and the dark figure next to him, casting a long and tall shadow was... he who must not be named. But this was only the start, it got much, much more worse. He hit Luppin with his wand and hand (leaving red marks and cuts) then he casted horrible spells you wouldn't even think of (the spells weren't killing the poor man but putting him through a lot of pain) Once the horrible dream/nightmare was almost over, Lupin was sitting in the chair, his head lowered and cuts and broses all over him. My eyes bolted open and I sat up as fast as I could, sweat all over my face and T-shirt, I turned my head sideways to see, Ron looking and me and he said "I think we should take you to Professor McGonagall" I nodded. McGonagall took both me and Ron along the cold floor of the castle to Dumbledore's office to tell him what had happened. When I had told him the horrific story of what had happened to Lupin he started talking to his painting telling them to tell some and telling them to get somewhere, I just hoped my dear old friend Lupin was okay.

Tonks POV:

I was just about to drift away to sleep when I heard Molly talking very Loudly to somebody in such a worried voice I had to go down stairs to find out what had happened. So quickly and quietly I jumped out of bed, slipped on my slippers and tiptoed down the stairs to where Molly was, To my surprise was sitting on the sofa with her head in her hands sobbing away. "Molly" I said "what's wrong?" Still sobbing she looked up to me and held out her arms for a hug, I came over to her and hugged her tightly and she said to me stroking my hair gently "Its Remus sweetie" my heart sunk "is he..D..Dead?" I asked as tears started to pour down my face "no honey, he just seriously injured" she replied sweetly "can I see him?" I asked "hes only just got to the hospital" Molly said my face grew even sadder and my tears where like the sea, pouring out everywhere. "i think you will be able to go tomorrow she said hugging me even tighter, I nodded and headed upstairs not quietly this time but I wasn't stomping up the stairs either. all I could do was wait until the morning.

8:53, I was up and ready to go see Lupin, of course nobody was up except Molly in the kitchen cooking for everybody. I went into the kitchen to see molly before I was off but as I was just about to say goodbye, she held out her hands and stopped me. I was confused but she then led me out to the table and spoke to me in her gentle voice and said "I may sound like an 8 year old girl but I know you love Remus" Once she'd finished talking I felt happy, I didn't have to keep in my secrets anymore." I see the way you look at him and how worried you where last night about him" I nodded gently "I really must go" I said, Molly looked at me and smiled "go get him" she said with a cheeky smile.

Remus POV:

My eyes fluttered open adjust, there was a light weight on my body, I looked down to see...Tonks lying on the hospital bed on top of me. Tonks wasn't heavy but she was soft and her perfume waved up at me, the rose petal smell made my nose tingle a little bit, like I was about to sneeze. I glanced over at the clock above the closed door to see it was 12:34, my stomach rumbled wildly. Tonks eyes opened a bit but then she went straight back to sleep cuddling into my chest. I couldn't stand it anymore, a beautiful young women was sleeping next to an old worthless piece of sh*t like me. "Tonks" I said shaking her gently to wake her up, slowly her eyes opened once more and smiled up at me, I didn't smile back though. " what's wrong?" she asked sitting up curiously, I shook my head and she said to me "Remus, I love you too." "NO" I said, she got off me and stood up " I know you love me too!" my face drooped "I DONT LOVE YOU TONKS" I sort of screamed at her but her face stayed the same. "Its okay" she said "we can make it work." "NO" I screamed at her once more "IM TOO OLD...TOO DANGEROUS...TOO POOR, WHAT WOULD AN UGLY WARE WOLF DO TO DEZERVE A YOUG GIRLLIKE YOU" tears where streaming down her face. I could tell I had hart her and I knew any minute now she would scream back at me, "DOSE IT LOOK LIKE I CARE?" she asked over her sobs "IF I CHANGED THE WAY I LOOKED WOULD YOU CHANGE YOUR MIND?" she kept asking/shouting me questions. "WHAT DO YO WANT ME TO SAY?IM TOO GOOD FOR YOU?BECAUSE WE ALL KNOW THTS A LIE, JUST GO HOME TONKS" she was crying even more now "AND DONT COME BACK!" as she sprinted out the room I started to cry, only a little though. What had I done? She would never ever forgive me now, I have realized what a terrible thing I had done.

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