Not Sure What To Call This Chapter?

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Remus POV:

Soon after I left Dora I boarded The Hogwarts express and as I only got a very small section of sleep last night I slept on the train. When I was sleeping I had a dream, I had a dream that Tonks was standing in front of me chaining her arm with a handsome young man, "Why would I love you?" her voice said "A poor old werewolf with nobody to love?" she said once more just then my body grew cold like I was freezing up. A mysterious smell filled the air, quickly I knew that smell, it was the smell of. A dementor. My eyes quickly opened and I stood up, White light glowing out the end of my wand, The dementor that was standing in the doorway (sucking out Harry) had vanished and Harry had fainted. Me and Harrys two other friends (I wasn't sure of their names) helped harry up onto the chai. "w..what was that thing" Harry asked, The girl one of Harrys friends answered and I gave him some chocolate (chocolate really helps). After I gave harry the chocolate I went to speak to the driver of the train about how outraged I was about letting them suck out harry. Until we arrived at Hogwarts all I could think about was tonks, and how right she was. I don't deserve anyone or anything.

When I arrived at Hogwarts Professor Dumbledore was waiting at the main grand entrance for me. We greeted ourselves as old friends that we hadn't seen since school, once we'd finished saying our hellos Albas lead me into the great hall where children from 11-16 where pouring in sitting in their seats. Dumbledore showed me to my seat at the very large table at the front. Once what looked like everybody was sitting down a group of about 20 students came to the front and sang peaceful and strong songs in front of us all. Once they had finished Dumbledore did his famous beginning of the year speech. Whilst he was doing his speech he introduced me to the school, standing up and blushing I did.

The next day I was ready to teach, I wanted to make my lessons very fun and enjoyable. After that one lesson the rest of the day went by like a blur. Then next thing you knew it was Halloween and that time of month had come. Full moon. Once I realized what day it was I ran (well actually I walked as my old body could not run anymore) to Snapes office and begged for help, he gave me a potion and told me to drink it as soon as night fell. Night fell and I gulped down the ghastly medican snape had given me, I didn't transform into the monster I was but fell sleepy and slept the long night peacefully. When I woke up I was in the hospital ward and from that day onwards everything seemed to slip out my hands.

We had caught peter Pettigrew with harry but that night I had not taken my medican (this was 1 month after Christmas) and I transformed, when I turn into a w..were...werewolf I cant remember any thing for e.g. my best friend, anyone, anything or me. The only thing I can remember is my own call. Anyway that night I gravely hurt Sirius and I felt so horrible when he told me what had happened. The next day I decided to resign, I had put him through enough. Once I had spoken to Harry one last time at Hogwarts he was sad I was going but I had to, nobody/parents wants something like me teaching there children. That was the last I saw of Hogwarts for a while.

Tonks POV:

Remus had come back to the weaslys for Christmas and I was so happy to see him, I knew he felt the same way about me too. He sent me a letter about a month later saying that he had resigned from Hogwarts due to his condition and what had happened, I was joyful that he was coming home but I was upset that he had to quite Hogwarts, it was such a good school. Remus told me that he was coming back today,by reading those buatiful words I jumped up and span around singing happily. I don't think I have ever been so excited ever before but if I knew what was about to happen I wouldn't be so happy, but I didn't know what the future was giing to bring.and I do now. When I heard a knock on my flat door I opened it wildly hoping desperately that it was Remus, no surprise it was. I flung my arms around him heavily he hugged back sharply. "Hey" I said after 2 whole minutes of hugging, he didn't speak back "do you wanna sit down and talk? or go to the weaslys?" I asked "i don't mind what WE do" I spoke again. "Can we talk at the weaslys?" he asked me "of course" I sais, I wanted any excuss to spend time with him.

When we got to the burrow we greeted everyone happily, Remus whispered into my ear "can we talk now?" I nodded and walked upstairs into a empty room and sat on the bed opposite me Remus sat. (I get angry very easily and can get very violent and fisical, you needed to know that for this bit.) He looked around the room again and again trying to avoid eye contact "was sup?" I asked staring into his eyes, Finally he looked back into mine "we both know our feelings for each other are strong?" I nodded "I'm sorry Nymphadora, like I said we may have feelings for each other but it just cant be" my heart was crushed once more, we had not fought in a year and now I had a deep feeling of where this was going. "DON'T CALL ME NYMPHADORA!" I said screeching but not loud enough so that anybody could hear, all I could think of was to say that. "I'm sorry Dora, I don't want to get into a fight again please" he said in despair "I need to move on, WE need to move on!" he said again, I knew his feelings where extremely strong for me as I was for him and I knew he was only doing this to protect me but it wasn't going to work. All very quickly I felt my hair glowing burning red, I grabbed for the lamp on the bedside table and threw it at him (the bulb smashing on his face) we stood up shouting at each other then he grabbed a glass and threw it at me shouting back. Now me and Remus where throwing any objects we could and throwing them as fiercely as possible at each other and shouting incredibly rude words that I had never even said before meanwhile downstairs we where making such a loud racket everybody could hear very clearly and loudly.

Sirius POV:

Everybody came round Mollies for dinner, when Remus and Tonks came I thought they ehere together but once they went upstairs and banging, smashing and loud shouts could be heard very loudly we all knew what was going on. Nobody was sure what room they where in but the amount of noise we followed until we came to the spare room where the two lunatics where throwing any objects in sight. I saw Kingsly picking up Tonks and carrying her out the room like I had done a year ago, I pulled back Remus but he broke free of my grip and ran as fast as the old guy could down the stairs to what seemed like tonks.

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