chapter 1

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Tonks POV:

Me and Remus had been good friends now for over 2 months. As we did more and more missions together (getting more and more closer), I think I now have admitted to myself that I love the chocolate eyed wolf.

One late afternoon on a bright Saturday, we had a meeting to attend to. "Bloody hell" I screeched as I sat up from my couched (that I was curled up in) and quickly glanced at the clock on the mantle place. "is that the time?" I asked myself as I shot myself up,"i'm going to be late for the meeting!" it was now 7:15, I was supposed to be there 15 minutes ago! I threw a hand full of green powder into the fire I said aloud "mollies" and was there in a click of your fingers.
"Nymphadora, your late" screeched Moody leaning over the balcony down to me "DONT CALL ME NYMPHADORA" I raged up at him, my hair turning a dark shade of red. A very dark shade of red. I don't get it why people don't understand? It annoys me so much!
Remus POV:

I saw tonks walk into the room casually but with burning red hair, I was confused, what had moody said to her to make her this angry? But I didn't care how she looked, she was still as perfect and beautiful to me. There was only one seat left and well...... it was next to me and I wasn't sure if she'd take it or not? What would a young stunning women who has many young and wealthy years left want to do with me? A sad lonely werewolf who was broke?

Moody started to talk, I cut him off slightly by saying a few meaningful words "Hi Dora"i said all shyly. She simply replied with "Hi Remus, you okay?" just hearing her voice made my heart skip a beat, I was too busy looking into her bulging eyes to notice that I still hadn't replyed. "Tomorrow yes? Lupin?" I had been to busy looking at georgus Tonks to even notice what the old mad man was going on about.

I paused turning round to look at moody, "pardon" I said quite poshly trying to impress Dora, "You and Kinsley keeping a close watch on miss Lestrange for the night only. "said Moody. "MY AUNT" shouted Tonks across the long winding table across to Moody. "Moody if I do say so myself" she said in a rather posh accent like I had done a couple of minutes ago, "but as she is my aunt who is willing to kill me whenever she has the chance, I think I should go ahead with the mission" she said. It took a couple of seconds before Moody could reply as the twins where up to no good upstairs again probably testing out there new sweets on Ginny, and that mad Dora laugh and she made me laugh so we all ended up laughing. Anyway Moody answered "good idea Dora" she sniggered "You and Remus shall go together" her smile grew even bigger when these words spluttered out his mouth.

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