'I could feel his heart beat against my breast'

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Tonks POV

After dinner I got quite tired (like you do after you've just eaten loads) so I went for a lie down (if you haven't noticed before but at the back of the borrow is a door and inside the door is a study with as many books as you can count, a sofa and a little arm chair in the corner, so I went in there for a lie down.) I could hear everyone laughing and chatting joyfully in the living room. slowly but yet quite quickly my eyes shut and I was fast asleep in the little arm blue stripped arm chair. when I woke up I could hear foot steps coming so I just opened my eyes a very small bit so it looked like I was asleep but I was wide awake (you know what I mean?) As I could hear the footsteps getting closer I got more scared as the foot steps creaked along the old wooded floor.

"REMUS" I shouted aloud in my head, I was so happy to see him to come in but... why was he in here? did he come to wake me up? To grab a book for him/someone else? surprisingly he creaked over to me in the small arm chair and whispered only in my ear so I could hear " I know your asleep so you wont hear  anything I say, I love you Nymphadora Tonks" my heart skipped a beat or two, the man who wore ties and shirts every where loved me, I couldn't smile or it would give away my position, he whispered in my ear once more " I will be back soon" and then kissed my on the cheek, his lips felt so soft for a big man, his breath was so sweet and peaceful, he was perfect. As soon as the Georges figure left the room I opened my eyes and couldn't help but smile for about 10 minutes, I was by far the happiest girl who ever lived  on this planet.

The whole time the love of my life left the room I was wide awake daydreaming about what our wedding would look like and where we would live, just like an 8 year old girl. After about 45 minutes I heard footsteps again quickly I close my eyes just a bit to see who it was again. Ton no surprise it was.....REMUS I again shouted his name aloud in my buzzing mind. He paused "you look tired Dora" I was about to nod my head pleasingly but something held me back from doing that. He put his arm around my knees and his other on my back and picked me up so soft and gently as he did it, he was carrying me like a baby but I didn't care right now, as long as I was with Remus. "Shall we take you to bed?" he kept asking me questions but he thought I was asleep so... I decided to cuddle into him, he was a big bloke but because of his muscles, tough ones in his chest. I could feel his heart beat against my breast.

He took me up the stairs (and I was so scared in case he would drop me) but not to my room, he went pst my room, Again I was going to shout out to say that the wolf was going the completely wrong way but I didn't. he kept going util he came to the little room he was borrowing for the night, it was small and cosy and almost at the top of the stairs but not quite, about a floor down from the top. He layed me down on the springy bed and put the dull grey and warm covers over me, he was walking out the door when he paused and turned 180' to face me and smiled like the Cheshire cat.

Remus POV:As I left Tonks to sleep in my bed I made my way slowly down the long binding stairs to the kitchen where I met....Serious."Where is Dora?" he asked softly "Asleep" I replied, he laughed and then sang "Mooney's got a Girlfriend" over and over again until we heard something like a bowling ball row down the stairs. It wasn't until we looked to see what it was to know that it was no bowling ball, it was Tonks. Everybody rushed in to see what it was, all gathered around her she screamed aloud in pain, Sirius Yelled for Molly. Molly came rushing in asking everybody to move away to give her space, slowly everyone went back into the living room with o shaped mouths in shock. she told every one to go away except "REMUS" she yelled to me, "you need to help me, she has bad injuries" Molly grabbed her legs and I grabbed her arms and we carried her on to the table.
All night Molly was putting Liquids into her, casting spells on to her bones. And me, all I could do was watch my love be in pain, squishing my hand as tight as possible until a turquoise liqud went into her mouth and all the pain stopped and she fell fast asleep. Of course I had to stay with her all night, so I did, still holding hands.

When she woke up the first thing she said to me was "I heard everything" and smiled at me, I was so confused "what did you hear?" I asked with such a confused face "I hear you tell me last night say, that you loved me." My heart stopped and I felt like dying on the spot right now "don't worry" she said I like you too." I had to quickly find an excuse to get out of this mess. "please excuse me for a moment" I said as our hand touched no more, I think I just need some fresh air" I pleaded leaving the room to walk outside, then I quickly dissaperated. I didn't know where I was? until eventually I found my self at the three broomstick sipping away butter beer over my sobs. "what have I done" I thought aloud in my head.And that's when everything got even worse.
4 death eaters came in, quickly I turned my back to them hoping they wouldn't see me behind my cloak but it was no use, of course they had seen me.

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