full moon

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Molly POV:

Tonight was the night that Tonks and Remus where supposed to be doing another mission together, but the condition Remus was in and the way Tonks heart was broken that was no possibility. When Tonks came in earlier today her hair was a dark shade of brown and her face was bright red. Of course I was concerned so as soon as she had told me what had happened I sent a howler straight to Remus. Tonks was an emotional wreck. later on that day I recived an white coloured envelope from the hospital saying Remus had run away, from the Hospital. Once I told Tonks she laughed to my surprise she actually laughed. I heard a knock at the door, I went to go answer it when Tonks stopped me and said "what if its Remus?" I shook my head and told her to sit back down. When I opened the door a man with scratches all over his face wearing a baby blue hospital gown barged past me, "Tonks" he said. "REMUS....." Tonks shouted across the room to Remus, then it all kicked off, they where shouting at each other ad I was in the very middle. All the noise made everyone come into the loud living room to find screams coming from different sides of the room.

Tonks POV:

I couldn't help but let out all my feelings scream out to Remus for a good couple of minutes until...Sirius came in. Sirius started shouting at us both as well to shut up but it made no difference. the burrow had turned into a mad house, but just then I made everything 10x worse...by throwing the first punch. Once my hand hit Remus round the scratched face he didn't fight back? so I kept hitting him until Sirius picked me up and took me outside, and I was still trying to break free from his grip to get back to Remus. Soon Sirius put me down and looked at me with sadness in his eyes and screeched at me "WHY NYMPHODORA?" then I ran away, into the dry corn field. I kept running until I reached a small island in the middle of the sway cramped into the corn field, I could hear foot steps running around me, I was scared and there was no doubt about that.

Someone emerged from the dark, dry corn staring me in the face (it was now getting dark), grey back. Grey back was not alone, other death eaters where with him such as dolohov and luscious Malfoy. Luscious crept up to me and whispered in to my cold ear "I could end this anger and pain for you?" I queried for a little bit wondering if I could handle going and having to see Remises face again. "Can you do it quick" I asked as I made my decision "of course my dear" he muttered "just like falling asleep" he spoke again, millions of thoughts where rushing through my buzzing mind. Luscious stood back a few steps and held out his stick able wand, I closed my eyes so tight I felt like they there going to fall down my throat. "one" he said with no pause "two" my eyes shut even tighter tightening my teeth together too "thhhhhhhhh" he stopped half way through three. Quickly I darted round to see Remus pointing his wand straight to the face of luscious. "Put down the wand"the werewolf whined to the Malfoy, but in a flash Luscious and the other death eaters flashed up in a black smoke in to the black sky and disappearing. "What where you thinking?" Remus asked me "I didn't think I would be able to deal with it all" I dared to answer, Remus's fragile body picked me up and hugged me "promise me you wont ever do anything like that again?" he said "I promise" I replied. Remus put me down and out from the corn came serious.

"Remus, look up" shouted serious to him, as he did what he was told and looked up into the bare sky "what?" Remus shouted back "full moon my friend" I paused and I could see how worried Remus was. "If you truly love me Dora, you will leave me so I don't hurt you" he worriedly said to me "no, I cant leave you." Remus walked over to me and kissed me, at first I was tight and then I relaxed into the kiss/snog. Once the memorable moment was over he said "Go" but I didn't want to leave him, just then he started to transform into the deadly creature he warned me about. Once he had fully changed Sirius and I started to run, Lupin sprinting after us. I stumbled over a tuft of grass then looked up, Remus was right above me, lifted up his claw and scratched me right across the face he was about to scratch me againwhen a dog bounced onto Lupin scratching at each other I knew the dog was Sirius. Quickly I ran as fast as my little legs could take me all the way to the burrow where I banged on the door fiercely needing to come in. I could hear molly rushing to the door, once she opened it and saw me all she could say was "full moon?" I answered "yes, but of course it was an accident." Molly took me in through to the kitchen where she put some green mushy stuff on to the sticky blood that was scratched against my face "Molly?" I asked "yes my dear she replied sweetly "do you think Remus will be upset when he sees my face?" I asked once more "of curse not dear, I know how much he adores you" she gently said to me "lots of people tell me lots of secrets" she smiled at me once more until she headed off to bed. When Molly left the room I decided to as well but I just couldn't sleep, twisting and turning, I was thinking about Remus too much. I turned my head to glance at the clock to see it was 04:45 and that's when I heard two people walk in from outside, they started walking up the stairs, a thud with every step they took. "Remus" I whispered out into the hall, someone stood in the door way and nodded at me then I nodded back. Now I knew Remus was safe.

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