Brown Hair Is The Original Colour Of Sadness.

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Remus POV:

As soon as I broke free of Sirius's grip I ran as fast as my old legs could take down the stairs, when I saw Kingsly's shadow walk out the door I followed him hoping Dora was with him. When I reached the door I looked through the window seeing that Tonks was sitting on the floor on her own staring into space, where was Kingsly? I didn't care how much jewie blood was dropping out of me or her I was mad and when I get mad I cant stop. I burst the door wide open, Tonks turned around and her hair was a dark brown colour and tear drops stained her face, I rushed over to her and she stood up my fist pounded around her face a couple of times until she did it back and we where in a proper fight. Once again.

This time no one came and broke us up from the fight, soon she got out her wand pointing it at me fiercely then saying some dark curse words witch threw me flying back, I guess I sort of pretended I was dead but grabbed out my wand and red sparks flew out the end throwing her back just as she had done to me. We both lay on the floor shouting in pain then slowly our screams became quieter until nothing and we'd both fallen fast asleep.

Once I woke up there was a searing pain in my chest and on the cold grass that I had slept that night was a small pile of blood some still pouring from my face. I looked over my shoulder searching for Nymphadora but she was not there, I looked the other way across my shoulder to see if she was and well.. she was there either! where had she gone? I couldn't stand, I could barley move my head, so for the rest of the day I just they there doing nothing but look through the window's to see if anybody was there but all day no one even appeared, not even a peep came out of the house. When night fell Author came back from work and saw me on the floor rushing down to me asking me what had happened but I was too weak to talk, all I could do was shake my head slightly. He casted some spells which made the pain in my stomach go away, Author slightly picked me up and helped me inside, the kids where at school and so nobody was to be seen in the now bare house. Author grabbed one off mollies pots with the green mushy cream in and roughly dabbed it on my cuts, he took good care of me almost as good as molly except Author didn't leave me like Molly had done.

Author helped me to the spare room and for some reason I just couldn't sleep, through out the night I could hear Author talking to molly over the fire saying "I'm going to stay at Dora's tonight" Molly said "she's really bot well, but I do feel the world guilty for leaving Remus, I didn't mean to I just could only take one and Dora was a lot weaker. They really brought this upon themselves you know." she said again. I couldn't believe how much I had hurt Tonks but like Molly said we really did take it upon ourselves. I was wrong about Molly she did try to help but I'm the older one so I should have more responsibilities. For now though I think I should rest.

Tonks POV:

When Molly told me what had happened the night before I was so upset with myself why would I do that? After that night my hair stayed a dark brown (brown is the original colour of sadness.) I felt like I was never going to be happy again, I couldn't bare with myself either. I was never going to leave my flat ever, I was too scared to do anything, I was too sad to do anything, I was too weak to do anything, I think that right now I might die. I felt so horrible, all my days I did no more missions, I never left the sofa where I curled up in coldness all day. Because I never left the sofa I didn't eat and grew slimmer and slimmer, colder and colder as the days went by. I had heard by mail from molly that Remus doing good, I told molly not to come round if she saw me in this state I really would kill myself in my own sorrows. I only left the sofa to go to the toilet where I drank out of the sink, it had been a slow week now since the incident and I was such a wreck, I couldn't live without Remus, already I was slowly dying. As more days went by and by more letters shoed up outside my doorstep but I would never even see who they where from , I don't normally get letters so I thought they where probably from Molly and Mad eye probably.

It had now been 9 days since the incident and all I had eaten was 2 slices of toast and now my body was not functioning properly, there where cigarette buds everywhere, piles of letters by my door and the flat was a freezer. My body had gone all cold from me not eating but now I was more scared than ever, I was now to scared to breath. Later on that day a knock came crashing on my door, I didn't answer it. More crashing was fircly pushed on the door, I got really scared until I heard a voice "Its Miranda" said a voice. My bestfriend was Miranda Chase, we met at Hogwarts and have shared so many secrets since. I picked up me feet and tried so hard to head to the door but I just couldn't I was to weak that I couldn't even speak to say sorry. I think after awhile Miranda assumed I wasn't in, I was really annoyed and upset even if I tried to make it to the kitchen I couldn't eat. Why was I the one that always got hurt and sad?

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